turbot vs #erAse.et Runo<3 (6530 views)

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ClanBase ET EuroCup XXVIII
Upper Bracket Round 1
02.12.13 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXVIII » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: vokki (Requestee)
Maps: Missile_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 138852
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 55


gl esse!
gl boyzz
gl both :)
newspost? where is it? :s with my statement
nerd fest
i'm already on ettv erase pls shoutout, i'm your faithful fanboy!
gl fiSwanidius my EnemyTerritory friend
You have € 25500 on fi turbot
Possible win: € 36975
You have € 50000 on fi turbot
Possible win: € 74000

You have € 4000 on eu eA
Possible win: € 12400
You have € 333 on  eA Possible win: € 1032.3
You still have 20k left :)
it's ok few months ago i just had 140k
You have € 666 on eA
You won € 2064.6


You have € 20000 on eu eA
You won € 62000
You have € 20 on eu eA
You won € 62
very good bet m8 :)
gg we are again 4th in EC
how do you feel after losing all gbooky? I've never lost everything :) tell me your feelings
im fine
not 1st time not even big lose here
12.08.10 21:00Team Dignitas gb 1.35 vs. 3.88 gb Impact Gaming 172,008 € on gb d.intel Lost
it's ok man :) if you need something to eat you can always count on me ;) . I'll help you as your ET friend :)
i dont need gbooky to eat :S:SS:
Ye right :) you have still 81€ for this month:) sorry
Lol 3rd world coutry talkin bout food lol fcking gipsy go outside jobless tryharder lol
tonii reaction after victory : i killed 2 guys with MG and confused them gg
gg nTerror number one clan from Finland.
tarina = epätosi
No mitä oikee olettaisit..
et dead :D
ty for the money
The Day ET die R.I.P
Member Since 25th October 2012
Member Since 23rd August 2010

I'm not the one calling ET dead though :(
in class
you should take some ET classes too so you can start actually winning some maps

boom gg
nerd thinks just cause he can flame fanatic he can flame everyone
shut the fuck up faggot
ill roll u
sandnutz always carrying u :X
i play with ringers
pfft I carried hard on grush
yes but only cause i had ringers -,-...
ma nigga i had punkk..
get friends then
You did notice that match I linked was from 2011, right? As in this match doesn't change anything. And I can't understand why anyone would say that one team being better than another would be proof that ET is dead anyway, other than lack of practice for one of them.

<insert your comments about being new from this journal: http://www.crossfire.nu/journals/120688/who-are-these-etplayers>

not sure what that journal has to do with anything :P
So I wasn't calling ET dead.

I'm not sure what being new has to do with anything. And I've been around close to as long as you have, just not registered on Gamestv. You should know that based on the fact that my TZAC account was from 2010.

Actually that was the wrong journal. The point remains that being new has nothing to do with this.
my apologies, it seems I was mistaken
no problem ohurcool friend.
yo bro how do I get in touch withh Tomun
You pretty much have to go through me, he only gets on ts on match days.

edit: unless you still have xfire installed? he gets on there a couple of times per week.

edit 2: or /q zaaba
lol aight guess I have to install xfire on my mac if you see him tell hm to pm here. Cu next year
oh yeah, you could just pm him here too.
erase good team wp
out played niceeeeee