cabt swag vs Happy Tree Friends (3623 views)

nl latiN
no Domi
nl Enigma
nl base
nl Constan
fi yasmin

CB ET 3on3 Ladder
02.12.13 19:00 CET
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth (F) esab 58 kills
Killing Spree cabt r0zmoDa 6 frags without being killed
Accountant cabt r0zmoDa 104% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! cabt Enigma 16 gibs
...and stay dead! cabt Enigma 30% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning cabt c4z0rla 51 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! (F) esab 15 SPAM kills
Fragstealer (H) nmsy 146 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! (T) cnstN 330 damage per frag
What objective? cabt r0zmoDa 455 XP
Red Shirt (F) esab 84 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? (T) cnstN 13 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore cabt r0zmoDa 168 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut (H) nmsy 4 team kills
Gingerbread man (T) cnstN 23 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
cabt r0zmoDa1044555755901121291793021741/05/046/434/122716963
cabt Enigma923705459160220995398152240/06/046/304/1118416656
cabt c4z0rla763165370902221012591721660/01/451/363/819113136
cabt 89114116418434055432995282895641/012/4143/3611/820115555
(T) cnstN3317727816012361918856360/00/224/503/6229109213
(F) esab6634758841041181241012482850/02/242/5815/521414259
(H) nmsy69237456510419722390226820/12/843/354/216113945
) 5676113023017466025824303608030/14/8109/3522/220113049
Player Summary for supply
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
cabt r0zmoDa6314814222014375935811200/01/013/180/0KDDTDKKDKDDKD/KDKDDK//K/DDKDKDDKDDKKD
cabt Enigma8811015175002270430581070/02/011/112/5KKKDD/D/KDKDKKKDDKKDDKDKDXDDKDKKD
cabt c4z0rla601041423001226562553760/00/113/162/4K/KKXKDDKDDKDK/DDDDDKDDTKDDDKDKDDDKKDDK
cabt 7036243627028911991923030/03/137/454/9
(T) cnstN6580132040042402273100/00/011/142/2DDKDD/DDDDKK/KDKKDK/KDDKDKDKKD/DK
(F) esab119129252151054538372400/00/020/165/0DKDKDDKKKDKKDKKDDKKDK//DKKXKK/DKDDKKKK/SKK/KKDD
(H) nmsy80931620001822522664860/01/314/72/2/DKKDK/KDK/KDK/DKK/DDT/KKKDK//KDKDDKD
) 8830254619111791929119860/01/345/379/4

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
cabt r0zmoDa1851772614300551702702361/03/020/102/0DKKKKKKKDK/DKDKKDKKDKKKKDDKK/K/K/KKXKK/KD
cabt Enigma808916208011130413071340/01/014/92/1KKD/DK/K/DXK/K///DKKDK/KDK/KDDK/TKK/DK
cabt c4z0rla10010519195011238652898180/00/120/50/0//K/KDK/K/TKKKDK/DK/KKDKK/K//KDKD/KDK/K
cabt 1223716153160228120768671881/04/154/244/1
(T) cnstN2049525100525293380360/00/24/170/2/DDDXDKDDDK/DD/DDKDD/DDDDDK/DDK
(F) esab2058735130829884604540/00/16/201/3DDD/KKD/DDSKDDK/SK/DDDDD/KDD/DDDKSDDDD//DD
(H) nmsy526913250018315440923670/11/112/151/0K/KDDDTDDK//KDDDD//K/KDDK/KKDKDKK/DDKDD
) 311762585231218671120764570/11/422/522/5
Player Summary for sp_delivery_te
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
cabt r0zmoDa100751010200323621608180/00/08/62/1KKKDK/KDKDDKDKD/DK/K
cabt Enigma1461041913001328682256650/03/017/60/4/KDDTDDKKDKKK/KKKDKKKKK/DKKDKKKDD
cabt c4z0rla92681213400520791939540/01/111/70/1K/K/KX/KKDKKDDD/KDKKDKKDD/
cabt 113247413660111730958031370/04/136/192/6
(T) cnstN84822310081260274500/00/01/141/1//D/DDDKDDD/D/DD/DDDD//KD
(F) esab87110141610012726229800/01/18/135/2DKDDDKKDKDDKDDK/KDDKKKDKDKKDDKX
(H) nmsy69759131012181722662290/00/39/81/0/DKKDKKDKDDKDDKDDKDK/TD
) 55233255230111580373092290/01/418/357/3

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
cabt r0zmoDa77557920001626141100/01/05/90/0KKDDKDDKDDKDDKKD
cabt Enigma446749300413401430180/00/04/40/1D/K/K/DD/DDKK
cabt c4z0rla5339815000315251782180/00/17/81/3DKK/DKDDDD/KD/DDDKDKKDK
cabt 581611933500744914623360/01/116/211/4
(T) cnstN53071300160000/00/08/50/1DK/KK//DDK/KT/DK/DDKD
(F) esab100501212301421581856310/01/08/94/0KKDDKDKK/DKTK/KD/KKX/KKDDD
(H) nmsy10007700110000/00/18/50/0D/DKKXKXTKKKKDD
) 845026323031121581856310/01/124/194/1

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
(T) cnstN [Countdown]: hf
[11:29]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[11:05]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
[10:59]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[10:53]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
(T) cnstN [10:49]: :XD
cabt r0zmoDa [10:46]: Peter R. de Vries: LOL, laffing out laut
[10:43]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[10:38]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[10:11]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
[9:54]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
cabt c4z0rla [9:13]: laggGGz
[8:46]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[7:42]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
(F) esab [7:21]: :D
[7:04]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
cabt r0zmoDa [6:41]: <3 IRIS PSEUDACORUS
[5:01]: The Allied Truck is in position!
(F) esab [4:05]: ..
(H) nmsy [1:44]: XDDDDDDDDD
(H) nmsy [1:41]: hahha
(H) nmsy [0:16]: beast :d
(F) esab [0:02]: XD
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 12:00
(H) nmsy [Intermission]: xd
cabt r0zmoDa [Countdown]: Je average aim is best slecht base
(F) esab [Countdown]: XD
cabt r0zmoDa [Countdown]: aleen die clutch moments is het ineens 3hs everywere
cabt r0zmoDa [11:58]: seNti style.
(F) esab [11:28]: hoer
(F) esab [10:34]: :D
(F) esab [9:58]: fell down
(F) esab [9:57]: :XD
(T) cnstN [9:40]: wtf
(F) esab [7:58]: zoveel geluk
(F) esab [7:57]: eerlijk waar
(F) esab [7:56]: xD
(H) nmsy [7:25]: :D HA HA
cabt r0zmoDa [7:21]: Peter R. de Vries: LOL, laffing out laut
(F) esab [6:53]: :D
(F) esab [6:53]: :D
(F) esab [6:53]: :D
(F) esab [6:53]: :D
(F) esab [6:52]: :D
[5:22]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[5:21]: The Axis have captured the forward bunker!
(H) nmsy [5:16]: :-(
(F) esab [4:54]: kenker is op met je barrel
cabt r0zmoDa [4:50]: =))))
cabt c4z0rla [4:47]: :{D
(H) nmsy [4:25]: :D HA HA
[3:21]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[3:09]: The Axis have captured the forward bunker!
cabt c4z0rla [3:01]: aim stond vast
(F) esab [1:25]: XDF
(H) nmsy [0:39]: kurwa
cabt r0zmoDa [0:02]: yolo xp
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (12:00)
(F) esab [Intermission]: nu gaat t leuk worden
(F) esab [Intermission]: {:D
cabt Enigma [Warmup]: nb4 delivery
(T) cnstN [Countdown]: hf
cabt c4z0rla [Countdown]: hf
[11:22]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[11:16]: Allies have damaged the West Wall
[11:16]: Allies have damaged the East Wall
cabt r0zmoDa [11:13]: Peter R. de Vries: LOL, laffing out laut
(H) nmsy [11:00]: :D HA HA
cabt r0zmoDa [9:25]: XDD?D?D?D?
[8:59]: Door Controls have been constructed.
[8:59]: Allies have secured the forward bunker.
[8:58]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[8:42]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
cabt r0zmoDa [8:01]: ok
[7:57]: The Loading Doors are Closing!
[7:56]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[7:33]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[7:24]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[7:03]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[6:55]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[6:30]: The Allies have secured a gold crate!
[6:27]: The Loading Doors are Closing!
[6:15]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[5:03]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[4:46]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
(F) esab [4:42]: zoveel geluk
(F) esab [4:41]: serieus
(F) esab [4:41]: xD
cabt Enigma [4:36]: geluk :D
[4:33]: The Loading Doors are Closing!
[4:29]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[3:43]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[3:35]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[3:25]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[3:05]: The Allies have secured a gold crate!
[3:05]: Allies have escaped with the Gold!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 8:54
(F) esab [Intermission]: l0l
(F) esab [Intermission]: XD
(H) nmsy [Intermission]: ;3
(F) esab [Intermission]: dat yasmin
(F) esab [Intermission]: <3
cabt r0zmoDa [Intermission]: so lucky i gt 999 there
cabt r0zmoDa [Intermission]: while raping
cabt c4z0rla [Intermission]: dat vliegtyle
cabt c4z0rla [Warmup]: style
(H) nmsy [Warmup]: yesyes
(F) esab [Warmup]: geluk zegt ie
(H) nmsy [Warmup]: 8D
(F) esab [Warmup]: daar in die room
(F) esab [Warmup]: 3keer
(F) esab [Warmup]: XD
cabt c4z0rla [Warmup]: izi!
(T) cnstN [Warmup]: rup
cabt r0zmoDa [Warmup]: ik ga 999 terwijl ik obj rape
(T) cnstN [Warmup]: dan benk ervanaf
cabt r0zmoDa [Warmup]: is meer geluk dan jij failed met je aim
[8:13]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[7:37]: Allies have damaged the East Wall
cabt r0zmoDa [6:58]: PAS DIE WH EENS AAN KNUL
[6:41]: Door Controls have been constructed.
[6:41]: Allies have secured the forward bunker.
[6:33]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[5:32]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[5:13]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[4:48]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[4:31]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[4:00]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[3:53]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[3:38]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[3:33]: The Allies have secured a gold crate!
[3:29]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
cabt r0zmoDa [3:08]: GG
[3:07]: (T) cnstN disconnected
[3:05]: (H) nmsy disconnected
[3:05]: The Allies have secured a gold crate!
[3:05]: Allies have escaped with the Gold!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 5:49 (original: 8:54)
cabt r0zmoDa [Intermission]: beter je wh hiden base
cabt r0zmoDa [Intermission]: gtv heeft het lollig
(F) esab [Intermission]: xd
(F) esab [Intermission]: Jij vertelt mij nie
(F) esab [Intermission]: hoe ik deli moe spelen
cabt r0zmoDa [Intermission]: helaas wel

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.