craze vs etcfg (6660 views)

de Ava
at DonMatthias
de Kenji
de Kitt
tr symbol
fi Wrath
ru DamAskus
ru etplr
ru FuBoR
ru konstantin
ru Leotiran
ru slaw

CB ET 6on6 OC Fall 2013
Third League
UB Round 1

15.12.13 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 OpenCup Fall 2013 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: symbol (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 14769
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 12


ru Putin
ru Putin
ru Putin
ru Putin
ru Putin
ru Stalin
gl&hf kenji, kitty, wrath, etcfg :)
gl etcfg
gl ava!

Bol şanslar! symbol bro
and rest of craze
sagol yarak kafa
hasta köpek Teşekkürler
Oh man ers xD
google übersetzer for the win :D
saddab ausrotten abdul brennen ali
2/10 soz
ich stimme dir zu, dass man cheater ins Gas schicken sollte..


Isso die regen noch mehr auf
wie gehts kristin und gunda :DDDDDDDDDDD
insider ?
hehe hier echt cool drauf ich sollt deine msg hier reinposten ;) da sind weniger smileys Madboy ^^
i will play too
gl yermans
beware guys there is a great chance your team will fall apart before the match starts :P
we shall be wary of this, thanks.
i mean odds are a bit off somehow as we took first place in our group np; didn't even lose a single round; so fear us :D

Indeed. Who's betting on us? Staph.
U were such terror that everyone disbandend teams and left u as supreme winner.
ye fubor knows his onions!!
For mother Russia!
can we not skip that match and play the final isntead?
Slawa blyat good luck Russian friends :)
gl etcfg friends!
FuBoR shooting panzers behind walls lmfao
yay ru back
gl ava, symbol and kenji
Good luck etcfg and wrath!
gl slaw, Fubor & wrath!
hf all - gl slawinski , fuborski, leotrianski
You have € 568 on eu craze
Possible win: € 704.32
Et not die? Change game plz.
kenjii beast
:P learned it from u when I was in gMen Jr.