Serious Incident Called Karma vs to Make odds even (8512 views)

sk filuS
fi squall
se NuggaN
de Oxy
nl Lightning
fi twidi
pl Abject
pl Czarek
pl fanatic
pl hassaN
pl hunter
pl grzesiek
#ET 6on6 ODC vol.9
Grand Final
10.12.13 22:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: #ET Cups » Matchlink
Manager: fanatic (Highadmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 319447
The bets are closed.

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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 95


i hope u fucking get rolled u piece of shit
postponed for tomorrow (too many players missing, late hour already and stuff). sorry viewers and see you tomorrow


CAANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
good cup tho
2day cup.
There was 1 day cup going on?
oxy vs pawel, battle of the titans
ha sure basstian ;)
is that you playing on DayZ Battle Royal ? My friend told me he saw you on a server or smth :D
great teams had been in this cup
et not dead

10/10 would read again
i did
no mistake spotted
can't wait for this game !
Finally teams with names that are familiar to me
GL tMoe
gl razz :3
no plWuT no win
come xfire
im all the fucking time on xfire u idiot
Wasn't there a rule? No busted players allowed to play?
no banned players allowed*
I bet on polaks, cuz fanatic is fking big big nerd, all polaks = best teamplay and no animosity (could happen with a french and a rosbeef) = win
yo snatix/snatix's boyfriend
omg how did u find out
who is the man ? cuz i'll fap on the other one ...
stream pls?
i'll stream this shit

add server ?:/
Viewer Peak: 43
busted players have no ip, cu
gg wp :D
tmoe team of nerds :S cant stand away from et
same for you homo

"i did not play et for ageeees man, i quit long time ago!!!" :DDDDDDDD
i hope you're kidding
i just acted like fanatic :S
You have € 500 on tMoe
You won € 3890
You have € 6666 on tMoe
Possible win: € 51861.48
you are low

You have € 28000 on pl tMoe
You won € 217840
haha mitja holy shit man :D
ye bruva i got this shit :D
ye thank you again for telling me to bet u fag XD
fuuuuu :D
e : Kart 200k on sick6,gg
I thought it's you being stupid and betting on Sick6 :D

Gj Kart m8 XDDDDDD
hunter fucking got this
m1tja stop. u are fucking insane
he's cheating in gbooky, gg
pm me tomorrow i'll give u instructions bruva
he has accurate info about cheaters i guess. "A" team has 3 cheaters while "B" only 1 so "A" wins. simple math
you got me wondering there, which one from team "B" you think was/is cheating? :)
Fishing for cheat accusations. Not cool man.
without watching match and judging by damage id say hunter
nice game
You have € 100 on pl tMoe
You won € 778

Inaczej sie skonczyc nie mogło :]
You have € 10 on pl tMoe
You won € 77.8

Yes yes, no UAC and tMoe can roll again.
Legit shit is happening here...
tmoe have one extra hromosome
Ty masz 4 dodatkowe chromosomy i jesteś tak zdeformowany że nawet downy się z ciebie śmieją i układają o tobie kawały.
Szczeźnij ciapaty paparuchu.
You have € 50 on eu SICK6
You lost ......
You have € 137 on pl tMoe
You won € 1065.86

fanatic : postponed for tomorrow (too many players missing, late hour already and stuff). sorry viewers and see you tomorrow

And yesterday sick6 missed no one of the real line up :) xdd
We did. We asked them to postpone because razz, night and Iron couldn't play and were unable to replace them.
what the fuck are you talking about dude // since that belgian guy deleted his previous reply, my comment doesnt make any sense
i'm talking about nothing, just ask something. Because many ppl betted on the 'old' lineup :)
are u high? We asked them to postpone, they did. We played, we lost. It's a game man, calm down.
Ye i'm high, sorry man :)
how the fuck could squall+nuggan lose
check dmg, 2k010 =/= 2k13?
more banned cheaters plox
czaro, hassan and grzesiek is not banned for only one reason, the fact that admins didn't take notice of another rwb cb account that they could have banned him for again
czaro didnt play here
grzesiek and hassan were banned, and are unbanned already, like ages ago. also its czarek aka voiler you sherlock.
Just a matter of time (and balls to use UAC) before you get banned too.
he was banned some time ago..
why would I use uac now, 19 days before it's shut down, if I don't take part in any competition that requires it? i've played on slac/tzac since the beginning without any problems, and I achieved the most when I used it, so what you are trying to prove now is a complete bullshit. or the question is what are you even trying to prove here with your overall nonsenses everywhere? you must be some kind of a fanboy of mine, since I see you are commenting under almost our every game or post about me/tmoe, get a life dude
Oh man, stfu. you're so full of shit, that everyone actually starts to believe you.

As if you didn't run Tzac from your flash/usb :DDDDDDDDDD

Gtfo when you're talking about "Oh man, I'm skilled. I used tzac without any problems. I'm legit pl player"
Let us/me (while streaming) use teamviewer on your pc, that you used for 2 years now. And we'll see who is full of bs and who's wrong.

rofl can't believe what did I just read hahahha :DD congratulations you have just made it into my top quotes from various idiots
Just get teamviewer, and we'll see who's acting though, while beeing shitty scared of an AC
I would like to remind you that you are not speaking to Williams
oh well, no-one cares and 'no-one' knows.
You're just a lucky, scared little pathetic polak.
yeah indeed I am lucky that Gamestv gives me an opportunity to read comments like this :D it's hilarious can you stop please because my laptop screen is all over the tea that I'm spitting out right now while reading this shit xD
my god czaro isnt czarek

czarek is voiler aka guffy...
thats true !
I know, saw fanatic and then cza ... didn't look close enough
Se z těch poláku jednou poserem.