Counter Logic Gaming Prime vs Team Alternate (3837 views)

us Nien
de dexter1
us Link
us Doublelift
us Aphromoo
de kev1n
es Araneae
de Kerp
pl Creaton
se Jree

Battle of the Atlantic 2013
Match 3 - Bo3


no idea why chauster is benched, his crescendos with sona were quite good eheheheheheheh :x:::d:x::/D/d:d::x//d
chauster retired a couple of months ago
sounds like it was yesterday
23rd October, but yea wasn't a great moment. I guess he did more in those 3 years though than missing one ult ;)
no doubt but this fail was too funny to be forgotten :XD
kev1n got this
Doublelift is god <3
so frigging intense