Forward Momentum vs Controlled Gaming (6785 views)

15.12.13 20:15 CET
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
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League: | CB ET 6on6 OpenCup Fall 2013 » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Supply | |
Sw_goldrush_te | ||
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 22
Viewer Peak: 22

lineup for #CTRL.d and map?
bl1zzardx and bape i presume
All in on CTRL.d
uac forced = same results
cant play at that time lol
np, bdmatt is avi this time.
You have 1 on us )>>(
Possible win: 1.92
I have faith
Possible win: 1.92
I have faith
gl team dean
replayed because this kazim ultimate retard wasnt on UAC
ultimate retard xD not playing uac because i ask ctrl team if need uac they say NO and what ur problem need a life?
true story to be fair lol
oke so gnome is retarded aswell but u really are an ultimate retard. cu
dont get a big ego just get a face . cu
I'm just stating facts, nothing to do with ego. I do have a face. cu
never played u or maybe 2 time u talking about me wtf ? second snatix? xD
I was on TS when you played with ctrl and confirmed ultimate retard status after the first thing you said.
i dont care about u just dont talk about me u got big ego cuz u in EC in 2013 happy u will going down against phase and at least u can got good team with teamplay ur team is the only one of nerds pracc everytime day n night cuz no life to scared to go outside of computer u can mad if its give u happy maybe right now u on ts with ugly and shit face team getting fun drinking coca cola to be drunk hf
said the guy who is palying non stop et
"Specula im playing since 2005 with break u never heart me so im new who are u ? Its possible to play without gtv ? but nice we got the new anti cheat specula he know all u know who hack who is new just question u know who is deep , zig , zenk gr3g and others probably no but they playing since ET start and rly better of u and if they want com back u gonna say new players too? U just totaly kid or u god xD and about ipod i have playing some offi and normal game against him to saying yesterday he was obvious and some legend of ET got busted old school players so now just shut up eat shit !"
(c) kAZIM
(c) kAZIM

I got the feeling that he didnt understand my comment before *facepalm
but well this sentence "said the guy who is palying non stop et" is rly hard to understand...
or from where do u have this comment from kazim?

Saying Ipod hacks, is like saying:" I just fucked the pope, with my dildo, while Santa-Claus was watching".

Saying Ipod hacks, is like saying:" I just fucked the pope, with my dildo, while Santa-Claus was watching".
u just wasted 10m of your life with that post ipod doesn't hack
You wasted more time on typing that, than I made the post.
Cheers mate.
Cheers mate.
I knew a tard would say that
So now you predict future as well?
Hello ms. Gypsy fortune Teller!!!
Hello ms. Gypsy fortune Teller!!!
ur funny man u should do stand up comedy
Making jokes about you, isn't pretty hard to do.
You're an izi idiot who lets himself get trolled by even me.
No offence, mate.
You're an izi idiot who lets himself get trolled by even me.
No offence, mate.
np hellfag
LOL let's make a deal brosef once you learn some basic English I'll go outside and party hard instead of praccing every fucking day 24h a day to become champions of an online game, because that is exactly what I do.
PS: kazim 50 offis in ~1month, dtec 50 offis in ~4months, cu
PS: kazim 50 offis in ~1month, dtec 50 offis in ~4months, cu
step sway nerdtix you have no right to troll kazim about nerding 24/7 . Calm ur tits
sorry who are you?
Je suis ton père ! Mouahahaha
Im sorry but... U?
never heard
tg batard, ou pas d'herbe demain !
bon tu veux combien culé ?
dont fuck with dtect, hes 6 foot and 6 inches
you english well
hahaahhaha kazim putain tu me fais rire comme un gros mongols je te kiff a fond montre leur a ces putes negro!! comment les vrais blancs qui font les vrais choses opère t'entend?
This kazim :XDDDDDDDD
This kazim :XDDDDDDDD
tu veux quoi encore fils d'inceste? tu veux encore te faire insulter espèce de fils de batard d'enculé de ta race la pute?
je te les deja dit Snatix si insulter quelqu un derriere ton ordi peu te donner un petit peu de puissance et c'est bien au moin tu defend tout tes petite copines presente lès a ta famille ou invite ta team pour noël ou tu fait peut etre noel sur ts et oublie pas la carte postale quand tu part en vacance (devant chez toi )
Non il fait noël en famille, mais on passe le réveillon du nouvel an ensemble sur TS par contre, avec Pupa et Kaisen.
Oublies pas invii
nerd :)))
seriously? those bitches should've said so before the match then.
u just rolled them to hard mate :S
avi ^^
gnome write here
yes darling?
u bad muppet
It's going to be like the last match when they brought in gF and they had to bench him because he was playing bad. Now they are going to have to bench bd|matt becuz he doesn't play or more then likely doesn't care so gg CTRL is a ez win
gnome gona get fuckin twated ere
just ordered a new pc
maybe avi to own for ye aswell tonite
avi aswell
if someone dont show up aye
reVo and

:DD gl lad
u guys so try hard :s
not allowed to have a reunion?
joking mate. but to be fair it is an overpowered line up for 2nd league, even if theyre rusty haha :P
yours is too, see you next week! :D
it isnt overpowered lol

im number one fan of stib
gl ctrl
And gl darki.
And gl darki.