wrath @ 54th Gaming vs TrueTeam Multigaming (2836 views)

pl w4lus
pl summ3r
pl mandejo
pl hasket
pl plum
pl radar
pl rydzyk
pl PeeterQ
pl barth
pl divine
pl blaszka
pl screw
pl alimoe
18.03.08 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Rzeznik (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 5171
The bets have been cancelled.

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1st fjuty :o
You have € 2 on TT
Possible win: € 74.56
You have € 5 on TT
Possible win: € 225.6

Oczywiscie wrath @ 54th :*
You have € 2510 on pl 54th Cancel bet
Possible win: € 3739.9
You have € 115 on pl TT Cancel bet
Possible win: € 2392
gogo wrAth, mandejo, radar, walus <3!
You have € 1 on pl TT Cancel bet
Possible win: € 45.73

warth ofc
ofc TT
n1 TT gl :*
You have € 173 on pl TT Cancel bet
Possible win: € 2446.22
too easy for wrAth.
You have E 26 on TT
Possible win: E 326.82

Jedziecie sciemniaczy i noobow :D
ty znasz kogos od nas chociaz? ^^
Nie :DDDD Nie no znam z gry :DDDd
radar rydzyk :D:D:D:D gl
ja nie gram :D
ping > ALL
You have 500 on TT
Possible win: 2785

jazda :D
easy for mandejo
omg ;x ..
BTW Match will start @ 20:00
mecz o 20 a ETTV o 21 :o n1111 !! xDD
i change at 20:00 :D
ze tak powiem, tt gl w wychodzeniu z respa ;D
srry for ettv, too many customs maps on the game server
dr4g server doesn't have enough slots....
score ?
4:2 dla TT :**
4:2 :)

thx for game

wp wrAth :)

nice sd
gg wp :)
nice gold and b4 true : )))
go go summer : * CALY WBK jest z toba !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xd
3x 999.. gg wp.
btw match cancel cause ettv wasn't avi :) bad time :)
:( no gBooky win, but gg... 2+ hours match
macie szczescie ze nie stracilem 2510 ;d
nieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee , czemu cofneliscie ???? kurwaaaaaaaaaaa wygral bym 7k :<