Evil Geniuses vs Determined Gaming (2887 views)

ca InnoX
gb Snoopeh
us Pobelter
de Yellowpete
be Krepo
us Westrice
il Brokenshard
us Arthelon
us Bubbadub

Riot League Championship
Promotion Stage - Bo5
North America Challenger


Krepo won that first game..
pobelter surprising me, thought he was just another na random scrub, hes actually quite decent. innox is a perfect example of overhyping right now, losing against westrice basically 2 games in a row, yet being relevant, ok his riven was decent, but he basically had free farm whole game, and riven kinda stomps on other assasin types.
Determined bad cohesion, should be a 3/0 maybe a 3-1 for eg
so rumors about froggen were true