SSTAT vs Happy Tree Friends (2516 views)

fr Apricot
fi latee
pl Supertramp
nl base
nl rezta
nl kane
05.01.14 21:00 CET
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth SSTAT WARRIOR 46 kills
Killing Spree SSTAT WARRIOR 5 frags without being killed
Accountant SSTAT tyrymyp8) 115% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! htf Kane 11 gibs
...and stay dead! htf Kane 38% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning SSTAT WARRIOR 40 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! htf marijuana 16 SPAM kills
Fragstealer htf marijuana 159 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! SSTAT late 280 damage per frag
What objective? SSTAT tyrymyp8) 305 XP
Red Shirt htf marijuana 61 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? SSTAT WARRIOR 9 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore SSTAT tyrymyp8) 262 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut SSTAT WARRIOR 4 team kills
Gingerbread man SSTAT late 20 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
SSTAT WARRIOR942704649100414759176562321/01/140/318/816515659
SSTAT late612313557110420758976282760/01/032/336/621713438
SSTAT tyrymyp8)11230538336128792264162880/04/130/182/820818936
SSTAT 85806119139271104223102217007961/06/1102/1816/819716048
htf Kane7322329401100965976938720/01/327/301/122717335
htf rezta5515626479043553178952460/01/127/372/521316836
htf marijuana6425541619311495728269310/10/226/3316/723312947
htf 646349614829352621700231023490/12/280/3319/722415736
Player Summary for adlernest
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
SSTAT WARRIOR833056000262856200/00/04/21/2DKKKK//DDKD
SSTAT late2220291004603816360/00/02/50/0D/DD/DD/KK/
SSTAT tyrymyp8)40052411000105650300/00/04/10/0KDKKK
SSTAT 1681021116200622871881360/00/010/81/2
htf Kane661023400051561800/00/02/30/0KDDKD
htf rezta1002244500076490600/00/04/40/0KDDKDKKD
htf marijuana662046010160276300/00/02/32/1K/DKDKSKDD
htf 7752101391011881228700/00/08/102/1

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
SSTAT WARRIOR2253094000198756701/00/17/21/0KKDDKDKKKK/KK
SSTAT late402125200484272900/01/01/10/0/KK/D//
SSTAT tyrymyp8)7517340001817640180/01/02/30/0KDDKDK/
SSTAT 113681413200626461936181/02/110/61/0
htf Kane602835200170387300/01/12/30/0DK/KKDDD
htf rezta801345000055088800/00/04/40/1DKKDDKKDD
htf marijuana02207000268388500/10/10/30/0D/D/DDD
htf 476371720031936264600/11/26/100/1
Player Summary for sp_delivery_te
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
SSTAT WARRIOR289372540072560328400/01/05/151/5/DDK/DDD/DDDKD/DKK/X/DKDDDXDDDK/KD
SSTAT late58891424101728403214860/00/014/151/3/DKDD/KKK/KDDDKDD/DKDDDT//KK/KXDKKDDKDDK
SSTAT tyrymyp8)839515182123301332132520/02/19/82/5KKDKKK/DDDDDKK/KK/KDSDDDDTKKKDTKDDK
SSTAT 56277366771317841397113380/03/128/384/13
htf Kane1151191513500331712820180/00/114/101/0DKDKKKDKKXKKDKDKDKK/DD/KDKKD/X
htf rezta626110162023222825171780/01/110/101/1KDKDKDDKKDDKDT//DDKKK/KDDDTD
htf marijuana1141162421411743123076310/00/116/109/1DKKDDKKDSKKT/KKKKDDKKD/D/KKXKDKK/KDDKDK//KKK/KD
htf 972964950111313971184132270/01/340/3011/2

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
SSTAT late8910117197035330428691540/00/015/125/3KKKDDKKDKTDDKDKKDDD/DK/DKD/KK/TKDDXKKKT/
SSTAT tyrymyp8)1601411610300430362060180/01/015/60/3/D/KK/DKXKKKX/DKDKKKDKKKKKXKD
SSTAT 1423595843160713975681724040/01/054/3010/7
htf Kane4766919000522082627540/00/19/140/1DKDD/KX/D//KDDK/KDDDKDDKXKDDDK
htf rezta3660822202019893584680/00/09/191/3DDKDDKTDKDKDDDDKKDKDDDDKDDTDDDDD
htf marijuana4897132751043975354500/00/08/175/5DDKD/KDDKKDDD/KDKKDDKSDDDDKK/DDKDK/DDDDK
htf 4422330687129817297561220/00/126/506/9

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
SSTAT tyrymyp8) [Warmup]: so mature, said 17 years old
SSTAT tyrymyp8) [Warmup]: xD
ertS:-} [Warmup]: :D
SSTAT WARRIOR [Warmup]: ok base chilax snipi anger, this is your last chance
SSTAT WARRIOR [Warmup]: if u cheat on this one
SSTAT WARRIOR [Warmup]: u'll get spanked
htf Kane [Warmup]: no chilax, no snipi
SSTAT WARRIOR [Warmup]: and u'll get banned
SSTAT WARRIOR [Warmup]: nejm is focking watchin this
SSTAT WARRIOR [Warmup]: beware
SSTAT late [Warmup]: nejm react
htf marijuana [Warmup]: kankeridioten zijn dat
htf marijuana [Warmup]: xD
SSTAT tyrymyp8) [Countdown]: :D:D
SSTAT late [Countdown]: kk nerd :D!
SSTAT tyrymyp8) [Countdown]: hf <3
htf marijuana [Countdown]: shoutout jassu <
SSTAT WARRIOR [9:58]: kanker monhols
SSTAT WARRIOR [9:53]: i love jasu
[8:42]: The Doors are opening!!
[7:33]: Allied team has transmitted the documents!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 2:26
SSTAT WARRIOR [Warmup]: nejm is watchin
SSTAT WARRIOR [Warmup]: base
SSTAT WARRIOR [Warmup]: ok ?
htf Kane [Warmup]: so?
SSTAT WARRIOR [Warmup]: so, u 'd better keep on not cheatin
htf Kane [Warmup]: he cheated against us
SSTAT tyrymyp8) [Warmup]: xD
htf Kane [Warmup]: but np
SSTAT WARRIOR [Countdown]: he never does
SSTAT WARRIOR [Countdown]: he rolled wut almost
SSTAT WARRIOR [Countdown]: + abj
htf marijuana [Countdown]: XD
SSTAT WARRIOR [2:24]: 1o3 suppylzz"
SSTAT WARRIOR [1:07]: wtf
SSTAT WARRIOR [1:06]: lol
[0:28]: The Doors are opening!!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (2:26)
SSTAT WARRIOR [Intermission]: base
SSTAT WARRIOR [Intermission]: why u skill drop like that
SSTAT WARRIOR [Warmup]: and why snipi is low----
htf marijuana [Warmup]: i can imagen you raging on ts and flaming everyone
htf marijuana [Warmup]: get over it
htf marijuana [Warmup]: retard
htf marijuana [Warmup]: xD
SSTAT WARRIOR [Warmup]: lol
SSTAT WARRIOR [Warmup]: :d!
SSTAT tyrymyp8) [Warmup]: no
SSTAT tyrymyp8) [Warmup]: you cant imagine that rage
SSTAT WARRIOR [Warmup]: i can imagine you whin
SSTAT tyrymyp8) [Countdown]: its so heavy :s
SSTAT WARRIOR [Countdown]: and cheatin with ur friends
htf marijuana [Countdown]: mad
htf marijuana [Countdown]: rofl
SSTAT WARRIOR [11:42]: no ,nade bot ?
[11:15]: Allies have damaged the East Wall
SSTAT WARRIOR [11:10]: no nade bot rly
SSTAT WARRIOR [11:00]: :D!
[10:41]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
SSTAT WARRIOR [10:28]: :D!
SSTAT late [10:25]: :D!
[10:23]: Axis reclaim the Forward Bunker!
[9:38]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[7:43]: Allies have secured the forward bunker.
[7:43]: Door Controls have been constructed.
[7:42]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[7:35]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[7:33]: The Loading Doors are Closing!
[7:23]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[7:15]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[7:01]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[6:34]: The Loading Doors are Closing!
[6:32]: The Allies have secured a gold crate!
SSTAT tyrymyp8) [6:20]: xD
[6:14]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[5:45]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[5:34]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[5:23]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[5:14]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[4:59]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[4:34]: The Loading Doors are Closing!
[4:23]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[4:15]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[4:13]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
ertS:-} [3:59]: :DDD
[3:58]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
htf marijuana [3:55]: :D
[3:34]: The Loading Doors are Closing!
[3:33]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[2:39]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[2:24]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
SSTAT late [2:22]: not even playing :)
[2:14]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[2:13]: The Loading Doors are Closing!
[2:08]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[1:33]: The Loading Doors are Closing!
htf marijuana [1:32]: :D
htf marijuana [1:32]: :D
htf marijuana [1:31]: :D
[1:31]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[1:14]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[0:46]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[0:39]: The Allies have secured a gold crate!
[0:39]: Allies have escaped with the Gold!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 11:20
htf marijuana [Warmup]: sup apricot?
htf marijuana [Warmup]: wheres ur big mouth
htf marijuana [Warmup]: XD
SSTAT WARRIOR [Warmup]: stfu
htf marijuana [Warmup]: steamroll on deli
SSTAT late [Warmup]: u didnt win yet :)
htf marijuana [Warmup]: :DDDDDD
SSTAT late [Warmup]: steamroll? XD
SSTAT tyrymyp8) [Countdown]: <abbadabba> everyone wil think we are kk big shitnerds
[9:45]: Allies have damaged the West Wall
[9:15]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[9:14]: Axis reclaim the Forward Bunker!
[9:13]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[6:12]: Door Controls have been constructed.
[6:12]: Allies have secured the forward bunker.
[6:07]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[5:50]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[5:30]: The Loading Doors are Closing!
[5:02]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[4:57]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
htf marijuana [4:45]: :D
htf marijuana [4:17]: kankerhoer
htf marijuana [4:17]: xD
[3:57]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[3:57]: Axis have returned the objective!
[3:57]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[3:48]: Match is PAUSED! (Axis)
[3:48]: Match resuming in 225 seconds!
[3:48]: Match resuming in 210 seconds!
[3:48]: Match resuming in 195 seconds!
[3:48]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[3:48]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[3:48]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[3:48]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[3:48]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[3:48]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[3:48]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[3:48]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[3:48]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[3:48]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[3:48]: FIGHT!
[3:47]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[3:36]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
SSTAT tyrymyp8) [3:21]: XD
SSTAT tyrymyp8) [3:20]: gg
[2:26]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[2:22]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[1:38]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[1:29]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[1:29]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[0:46]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[0:46]: Axis have returned the objective!
[0:46]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[0:43]: The Loading Doors are Closing!
[0:34]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[0:30]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
htf Kane [0:14]: THIS SHITTY LAGG ;<
ertS:-} [0:01]: ggs
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (11:20)
SSTAT late [Intermission]: gg
htf marijuana [Intermission]: cant carrie
htf marijuana [Intermission]: :D
SSTAT WARRIOR [Intermission]: no cheats
SSTAT WARRIOR [Intermission]: indeed
SSTAT WARRIOR [Intermission]: ofc u cant
SSTAT WARRIOR [Intermission]: thank u nejm
htf marijuana [Intermission]: still outdamged you x4

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.