#erAse.et Runo<3 vs Coffee Time (3763 views)

13.01.14 21:00 CET
Status: | Cancelled | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | CyberGamer EU | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Supply | |
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 27
Viewer Peak: 27

you have 162 on pl c[_]
Possible win: 317.52
Kurwa ale wojna!
Possible win: 317.52
Kurwa ale wojna!
Raczej w pale bedzie :D
You have 162 on pl c[_]
Possible win: 13024.8
O W PIZDU! Marek Pablo Santi wygrac to kurwa.
Possible win: 13024.8
O W PIZDU! Marek Pablo Santi wygrac to kurwa.
Powinna byc wygrana ([4:46]: fg42 bug), ale widac ze regulamin na CG nie obowiazuje wszystkich. Wybrane teamy moga robic, co im sie podoba. ;/
Baczko humana na 0.8 i jechana!
You have 162 on pl c[_]
Possible win: 16200
Jak wygracie do pijemy do rana!
Possible win: 16200
Jak wygracie do pijemy do rana!
Z Toba w skladzie nie sa , wiec maja szanse :D
esse, nie te hoog gaan he :D
dat odds
esse too tronk <3
replace one player = erase cannot into good paly
??? this game was very good paly obviously you haven't seen it
it's getting ridiculous... just a bit :S
oh do i need to explain that? :S
yes pls :s
Random jaymod newschoolers beating polish finest?
? xD
JO, avi thursday 20:00ceT?
Should be :P
good :'D
gg yesh
l0ol 4-2 dat kan echt nie man
??? this game was very good paly obviously you haven't seen it
its our 3rd match against erase and all of them ended 4:2
normal wars are =/= offi's
for me is the same
dtec rolling noobs as usual
yea mitja too mad cause of money :D
haha :D wp man
et 13.01 21:00#erAse.et Runo<3 eu 1.01 vs. 100.00 pl Coffee Time 100,000 on eu eA Bet was cancelled
ye what? I didn't say anything l0l
didn't even notice that i lost it
you didn't.. polaks haxing scores #2014ET
yea, yea, yea
wtf Sinnsyk nigger you cancelled the gtv and somehow managed to hack this shit to be 4-2 to you in CG? Nice life
wtf nigger i didnt cancelled the gtv, I only changed to 4-2 for us... :( mad about game? nice life
"I only changed to 4-2 for us... :( mad about game?"
Just.. :XD
Just.. :XD
what is ur problem? except ur ignorance rules
and what rule is that
E: ok gg nice oppo would play again
E: ok gg nice oppo would play again
no surprise with this coffee time bullshit, /Q me on IRC but never tell the opponent that he goes by ETisMyLife then uses rules for forfeits..
nice life
nice life
Why is this cancelled?
I heard u used bug
I didn't play the match, what happened
nips used fg42 bug xd
how does one use fg42 bug?
Zabijasz ludzi, a oni Cie nie widza? Zreszta najlepsza w tym wszystkim jest reakcja administracji zmienia regulamin by erase nie przegralo :D
"Lex retro non agit jedna z zasad prawa, rozpowszechniona w Polsce jako pochodząca z prawa rzymskiego prawo nie działa wstecz, określana również jako zasada nieretroaktywności prawa ... Ustawodawca nie może ustanawiać przepisów prawa, które wiązałyby skutki prawne ze zdarzeniami prawnymi mającymi miejsce w przeszłości. Prawo musi być przewidywalne i budzić zaufanie, a podmiot prawa musi mieć pewność, że w danej sytuacji postępuje zgodnie lub niezgodnie z obowiązującym prawem"
Nawet rzymianie śmieją się z adminow ligi et
Nawet rzymianie śmieją się z adminow ligi et
Prone with fg42
Zoom in
Stand up
Body is still proning, but you can shoot as if you were standing
Zoom in
Stand up
Body is still proning, but you can shoot as if you were standing
i play this game for 10 years now and i am still learning new things about it
what samraj said
nips kicked gg?
Bug is a reason to cancel a match but when 100 haxors are playing thats legit :=)
one team mad cuz lost to better

a bit sad to cancel a match for a little bug
indeed xD
a bit sad to use any kind of bug