The Gathering Clan vs suffering (4559 views)

gb Raedwulf
gb Recoil
nl Carpet
nl Slayer
cr Brokenman
ca Rossko
gb Contarnos
nl Matha
pl Svepe
pl viC
pl albin
pl Nasty
pl szyker
pl mst
23.03.08 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: Self Organised
Manager: Raedwulf (Requestee)
Maps: Radar

Total Pot: € 1958
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
gb The Gathering Clan ETTV Commentary
By: Raedwulf
Listen to Raedwulf
Language: English

Total Slots: 32
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV
de TG ETTV Server
By: Raedwulf (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13


=> suffering's line-up:
pl viC
pl szyker
pl albin
pl Nasty
pl Svepe
pl mst
more 'i dont want paly paly enemy territory'
gl to us :) TG-.
gogo viC !
GO ROSSKO!!! <3... gl
TG toi meme!
gL TG!
to bad i cant play :/
gl rossko
Go TG!! bcuz rossko is my GF4life
gl matha + carpet! =) (says GNomie :p )
Good Luck TG (Ex-clan....)
Are TG clan going to The Gathering 2008 ?
szyker from random ? XDDDD pozdro 600 =)
fucking nerd :D

<3 u !!
gogo sfr, viC <3
gl suffering, gl vic
gogo pl suffering !! !! !! !! !! !! GL pl vic ! ! GL pl svepe !! <3 pl Szyker ! gl!
i tak jestescie nolify, grac w takie swieto :((((( zaled ;(
ale z ciebie nolajf, siedzisz na komputerze i piszesz komenty w takie swieto
jestesmy nolajfy, ja juz do szkoly przestalem nawet wychodzic. Ale na chuj to piszesz? : [
Its not confirmed yet, but we might even have radio !!! :D
powodzenia misiu zloty :)
rossko :OOOO GL!
gl suffering :) hf svepe and mst :)) :D
Easy for my polish buddy szyker !

Don't get yourself kicked tonight for gamehack, buddy <3
gl cArpet <3
gl tg
wp 4-0 suffering
Good game! Thanks sfr!
Please finish this match.
Thank you :) Good luck !
how did it go? :]
yeah well played m8s :D