suffering vs beyond the grave (4428 views)

25.03.08 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL EMS II Poland qualifier
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Pabi (Requestee)
Maps: Radar

Total Pot: € 4768
The bets have been cancelled.

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gl hitsu & lukey
lol, first btg offi for many months, i hope it will be nice match, but not sure if ettv is needed ;/
i think in a same way
lol, easy 4 grave gl hitsu, Lukey & Raiven!
gl grave !
line ups? ;>
=> suffering's line-up:
pl viC
pl szyker
pl albin
pl Nasty
pl Svepe
pl mst
Gl grave.
grave ofc
BTG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
GL viC =)
:) viC, Svepe ;** Raiven :* :)
gl grave, ja jeti, dayznt, hayznt, lukej glukej.
izi grejf
gl grave ! :D

izi 4 svepe :DDDDDdd
gl svepe and mst :)
gl Raiven:*
gl all
izi basz dla skurwysynow z grejw!
gl suffering np4 *** mame
no matchserv :(
find1 if you want ;d
its not my job :>
you are Official Broadcaster so it should be ;d
yep but i dont have access to gtv matchserv
gl and hf Suffering;) gl mst