sEKTOR vs Rebellion (1924 views)

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Revenge match of rL vs Sektor
03.04.08 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: N1ck_V (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 4
The bets have been cancelled.

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Gl rL (no polish spam plz)
GL rebellion
Message me relay password and slots plz
gl cheatzors
If sEKTOR didn't cheat they could use the Force server but no cheatzors at #Force'Gaming

Good luck rebellion u will need it vs cheatzors !
We dont cheat lolzor
If I remember correctly you were kicked out of Sektor for cheating

Nah i'm kicked out of sEKTOR because i whas kicking you out of the server everytime...
NAh , that was our excuse
funny gAy imo.

Everybody said to me; vince leave that nubcake team and join our team ur to good to be in that team. But I always said; no man it's a funny clan... But when U started to whine at everything it wasn't fun anymore so i started to kick you everytime so they (Boetn & L33) could kick me for a reason.. I heard u were kicked out of sektor because u whined to much?
Ur such a little kid ! Always whining about everything.. Ur nickname on xfire is now LOSt|N1ck_V - ForceSucks; en that's just because ur to noob & haxzors to be in Force !

I hope LOSt will notice it asap and they kick you to ! Whiners are such retards !
I was never kicked out of Sektor , nubcake

The only time I whined was when I had a bad day

And the fact that you kicked me + the cheathistory was enough to kick you out of the clan

Haha , everyone flames Force except those that are in it or dont know it yet

And plz , stop changing your mind , first you are saying I cheat then you say I dont and now you say I do again
Hey whining BITCH, the reason sektor is kicked by us is because you and 2 other guys from sektor where cheating.
And no not the GAME HACK, but some other shit, anyway before teams are joining us the have to accept our rules.
And 1 of the rules are when 1 person are getting busted the hole Team is getting kicked, and you know it.
Another thing stop whining about you are not using a hack, dude we have the prove from you and the other 2 guys from sektor.
The thing about me , I already explained it MONTHS ago , MONTHS

And you agreed it was like that , so fucking hypocrite stop bitching on me

Now , nylon cheated , but if you say booya cheats then you are a fucking noob and know NOTHING about ET

lol vince hebben we jouw niet uit de clan gekicked omdat jij ging cheaten...?
another random nub who can't use the reply button :x
Sektor disbanded rL wins with forfeit

forfeit = cancel

4 € pot but still, rules are rules :P
correct, status changed to cancelled.

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