Forward Momentum vs Runo<3 (5620 views)

ca Tomun
ca monkey
ca rossko
us detdet
nl adeto
gb ScarZy
nl esSe
gb Nips
fi toNi
nl vANQ
gb Clarkee
fi dTEC7
02.02.14 22:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: foreigner (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 148347
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 29


anim bench this adeto trash and get bdmatt in
implying bdmatt will actually show up
he will just gotta let him know in advance haha
he shows up 50% of the time and the other 50% you have to get some low random to replace him
USA # 1
well that is just mean :(
gl dTEC7
I doubt he needs it.
idk man erase got raped by them on sunday looks like forward momentum new top 3 EC team
yes pls
I head fatdix legit quit tho but i couldnt believe it
dont worry hes gonna come back for NC with kzm&smirzz ;)
what's the new site url?
great question, no idea
Wasn't paul arranging things?
Just messaged him apparently not lol. He has backups but need the user account for YCN, I PMed Ryan on TB
Why am I not surprised. Nothing ever goes as planned in this et.
url in my xfire status
Ok, I have Thursday off. I'll check it then properly.
0n the other hand can you post it somewhere?
je met mon argent sur toi monkey si tu me fait gagner mon argent t'aura ta photo xD
je peux avoir une photo de tes couilles moi aussi svp mon beau petit kazim?
stop saying my name nerds
wow u must be bored
wow u must have dogface


1-0 bb

mitä tapahtuu nekru

photo photo
kuva kuva kuva kuva kuva
Naprawdę myślisz że photo je ziemniaki w mundurkach prasowane w przemysłowej zgrzewarce?
You have € 250 on us )>>(
Possible win: € 512.5

gooby pls
fucking nerds lost me 75k last time fuckers :D
Trying to lose another 100,000?
Gl rossko & dtec7
gl forward :P!
who is all this trash on erase anim
Ouuuu gud Lack d7tecct7 m8
gl branno lad
Go forwards go ! U gonna pwnd !
You have € 305 on us )>>(
Possible win: € 2662.65
very close game

should play a 3rd game