eXecutors vs Team Keen (3404 views)

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31.01.14 22:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: mitja (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 28644
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 19


gl both !
mitja you said you wouldnt be avi on friday, nice lies man i was almost missing you
he just doesnt give a shit about u. sorry
it's snowing as fuck outside cba going somewhere, rather stayed at home :D
and this is what he says everyday :)
how many banned players can you count? :S
i counted 6
Lets count a cheaters, i can see only 5.
what kind of english is that?
Are there any kinds of english?
Btw isnt it invalid argument to point out little grammar mistakes over internet?
you can point big ones though
[23:26] m1tja: dont tell him but i just have no friends
alexl nerd
gl prod, kazim & wes!
izi win even with doppi wallhacking hard
i like this satisfaction when everyone's accusing me of ussing wh while im not :D u better take a look on doppi's playing my friend retard
Na chuj się produkujesz, on i tak nie umie tego przeczytać.
roger that
Tym chujem chciałem zaakcentować to jak bardzo ten francuski kolezka jest nie teges, sory jeśli odebrales to jako obelgę
ure so funny brah ; really spec me and have fun seeing someone shooting nice and is clean . some other stuff like u and ure polish tards
Ej podobno jak wyjdzie anticheat to będziesz jednym z najlepszych graczy w tej grze, to prawda?
to ma sens.
Ej podobno nie masz pracy i masz ponad 20 lat i wciąż bierzesz od matuli na fajki. To prawda ?
tak, jestem taki glupi ze studiuje zamiast wziac sie do roboty za 1200 zl na reke. nie pale.
Ja jestem debilem i zarabiałem 2700zl na ręke (w Polsce), ale ja skończyłem tylko 2 lata zawodówki XD
to jest wlasnie polska tu potrzeba praktyki a nie wiedzy ....
Ale nejm przynajmniej będzie miał zapas frytek :D
Im here brother, whats happened?