greejtsjot vs Too many beauty around us (3516 views)

be Azur
nl esSe
fi ethic
fi froxe
ro nebu
be ViKO
pt jorge
pt R0th
pt setuper
pt slapper
pt azerty
pt muntari

CG ET 6on6 Ladder

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1st map: bremen - v56 0/2 tmbau
2nd map: supply - v56 2/0 tmbau
3rd map: goldrush - v56 2/0 tmbau
4th map: adlernest - v56 0/2 tmbau
5th map: frostbite - v56 0/2 tmbau
31.01.14 23:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: Azur (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 8024
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 15


GL Azur, Esse(cheaterlover), Viko, Froxe, Ethic, Webe
6v6 alive
lets make a 6on6 team with me you bape fatcat supahigh and artstar :)
only fat and alex would be reliable
jem doesnt rly play et that serious
bape would just dip
Lean on my shoulder ipod, lean on my shoulder and cry. It's okay.
ViKO:"2late now"

:| :|
You have € 10 on pt tmbau
You won € 174.4
i knew it!
no sensez = win :( ...faggots
loel? :D
We hebbe 4-2 gewonne ze, gewoon nog 2 mapkes derna gespeeld
En die mensen hier maar wenen om hun geld @ gtv :--)
so maybe split games. 4-2 first for you and 4-0 for that other?
so maybe no? :S
maype yes. or maype this shit shud be cancelled or they shud remove 2 other maps maype?
Removed because they lose both maps?
To be fair V56 first game 4-2 tmbau. second V56 0-4 tmbau
or maybe you should have understood the game was over@ 4-2, one of u just suggested extra maps and we agreed.
You have € 555 on be v56
You won € 588.3
who gives a shit :D was a fun game that's all that matters
The game was over right. But began another or continuing the previous, in any way we won three maps and you only two .. any form gg
Yeh but for GTV scores, it only matters until the offical "game" is in progress in order to get a winner, which was v56 after 3 maps being played, after that time there were two more maps being played, which were obviously marked as "fun" maps, otherwise u should have arranged new challenge at CG and make new GTV link to count it as new game.
wp r0th & &azerty
Viko owner.