LIKE A BOSS vs cat in a hat (5455 views)

be ChilAx
be sN1pi
be aNGER
be R4PZ
be eron
be Jerreuh
nl Freddy
fi hazz
no Sinche
fi smak
fi tOMBA
nl woott
05.02.14 20:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: eron (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 22390
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 21


gl Team BE
gl manne
gl BOSS und catinahat
boss omg jerre omg chilax omg xD
gl cat in a hat!
merc avi if neededdd
bruv come on don't tell mme ur gonna need another ban to stop...
gl woot/eron :o
hf hazzy :)
gl hazz&woott
business as usual tomba
tOmba skilldropped recently :(
What a game!!! WP both. Best game ive speced in ages
I see what you did there
should have won suply :D
omdat jij tegen lowteams speelt :D
You have € 500 on eu =^.^=
Possible win: € 1040
np ! Deden we speciaal om jou wat centjes te laten verdienen
You have € 250 on eu =^.^=
You won € 520

well done Jerr! Just as we planned! :--P
easy money

You have € 1000 on eu =^.^=
You won € 2080
You have € 100 on eu =^.^=
You won € 208

You have € 250 on eu =^.^=
You won € 520

thx hazz :)
You have € 1000 on eu =^.^=
You won € 2080
we are ovverated zomg
You have € 233 on =^.^=
You won € 484.64