Malibu vs cloud9 (5877 views)

nl kApot
nl base
nl GiZmO
be SupNa
be dooPPi
se Weslann
fr eraz
pl szczurek
fi Metsuri
fi Fanta
fi vokki
fi Miluu
be dimm
05.02.14 20:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: kAPOTNL (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 10708
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17


fuck weslann you are everywhere !! gtfo xDD
fanta's CGAC aint working so nice keeping him in lineup
lets see on wednesday , if its not working then we can take one of our 3 back up !!
nää poistin koko paskan ja samalla et:n. ac kaatuilee liian usein ja fps joka mapissa alle 60, ei hirveen kivaa.. kattoo jos myöhemmi jaksaa koittaa uudelleen.

e: näköjää tuo ilmasen f-securen jakelu loppuu tässä kohta nii varmaan pitää kokeilla jotain muuta antivirusta
gl cloud9. Metsuri playing sober?
haxibu aka cwelibu. this should be fun
Pretty sure u, wes and base got busted
be sweet bob
Well busted doesnt mean banned :P There were some avis but they couldnt ban you because CB was down and all this drama
do u have even clue what u are talking?
base deleted his comment, so it looks like nejm is a bit retarded(:D)
:DDD he obviously didnt have
not sure if trolling or
Busted -> banned, banned =\= busted, nice skilldrop btw.
where is nejm
My bad, read it wrong :s
Pls kapot i need to rape them, get me :D
gl kapot supna dnb <3

bye base
Weslann is back to et.
Gonna miss those CS-youtube vids.

Cloud9: nice name stealing.
Haha still playing CS somtimes, not that much tho :)
Have to carry u hard tho :))))))))))))))))))))))))
ye, they did, but wraith allowed them
Created: 2012-12-04
10.05.12 21:00
its awesome how people talk without any infos !! just to follow the others retards ^^
So can you explain to me what wraith got to do with them?
Is your reading comprehension really that bad? What eraz and szczurek are saying is that wra1th's ET team Cloud9 was formed before the professional LoL team Cloud9, so if anyone participated in "name stealing" it would be that "awesome clan (from another game)". Not sure why you care so much anyway.
Because technically they made the clan almost at the same time.
It's get better, if you just would look to when offi's where played. Cloud 9 from LoL was actually first.

No idea why aniky starts to flame about something he obviously knows a shit about.
I don't see anything on that website you linked that even remotely proves the ET team "stole" the LoL team's name. Even so, why does it matter?

Didn't ask Aniky to reply and never intended to start a flame war. I'm just a bit puzzled as to why you're trying so hard to defend some League of Legends team.
QuoteCloud 9 from LoL was actually first.

Gonna help you with your math:
Created: 2012-12-04
10.05.12 21:00

It means that LoL team was created almost 7 months later.
Yes that's the official date. Ask ANiky, who seems to know it all, when they started actually to play with that name.

Then come back and post how wrong you are, idiot.
and what exactly do you gain from rising this shit storm about name stealing, pls tell me? :D
Oh the irony.
I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about name stealing from an awesome clan (from another game).
as i said - ye, they did, but wraith allowed them
stop szczurek you lose your time , he just cant understand simply stuff with tiny brain like this !!!
in this way he gonna say our player fanta steal the name from fanta drink :DDD
cuz he did!
yeah he did! wtf why did u steal eraz nick from razz omgg
"awesome clan" dude do u even have any knowledge about LoL at all? they got decent last year, before they were bunch of noobs rofl.
Do you do anything other than randomly flame people for not being as nerd as you? Ming Mong Motherfucker
Flame? U might want to work on ur reading skills instead of writing pointless commets like those, yeh calling someone a nerd while pointing out obvious seems like a smart move, go back to whatever hole u came out at first place and stay there.
I was here first.
Cant believe you are a fucking admin, disgusting
hes not an admin anymore :P
irony of whos talking :D
+1 hihi

Let the flame start! gg ohurcool
what's this got to do with ohurcool?
Nothing. But as you can see, he had to but in.
Funny it's always the same guys, that flame back here. And never ever other people.

More funny thing is: it are always some kind of admins.

Anyway, my useless flame has a meaning. I just hope that I'm right for the reason I'm starting this flame over and over and over again.
Because for now, it's seems that I'm wrong.
right well, ohurcool is an admin yes, but he hasn't flamed here. not even slightly. Aniky is not an admin, so how his flame no longer reflects anything more than his own views.
Apparently I do have more knownledge than you.
Highly dobutful u ever had or will lolz.
actually cloud 9 was a song made in 1969 by the temtations, your arguments are invalid
gl cloud9
gl eraz m8 and milu m8 !!
zjedz ich szczurek!
Aniky isn't an admin anymore?
ye, the dude is flaming and raging 24/7
Why are u talking about some stuffs u have no idea about? Mind ur own bussines instead.
Why are u advice people if u are not an admin anymore? Mind ur own business instead.
If u want to be smart at least try to write it in some kind of decent english.
I dont want to be smart cause i am already. U can mad, np.
polish logic, always flawless.
wish this was true

expected skilldrop base. good work here
You have € 250 on eu mAlibu
You won € 320
wp base
nice skill base