LIKE A BOSS vs Team Keen (4435 views)

be ChilAx
be sN1p
be aNGER
be r4pZ
be eron
be Jerreuh
se Weslann
gb ARNy
fr kazim
gb B1gcHeese
ro Stary
gb Prod
04.02.14 20:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: ChilAx. (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 5911
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 28


lycka till weslann :)
You have € 2500 on eu BOSS
You lost

time to bet a bit more this time :S
why so much trust in LIKEABOSS?:o
because of Jerreuh :D?D
That sarcasm :( we are just playing for fun, so leave jerreuh alone :( xD
maja, kzeg gewoon wat er nie goe ging xD je moet het niet weer anders verwoorden, dikke nerd, ga hamburgers eten xD
cause i dont like team keen :S
Arny !
lycka till weslann :)
i see team bel next 6v6 lu
-.- why is every1 saying that tf
Our win, thx for 30 min gameplay and 1 hour waiting :)
it was fun! :SsSsS
our win , nice joke :) not its just 2-2 mate :) we waited 20min too
For what? we waited on supply for 30 mins for your mate to fix AC which he didnt, and we were waiting for 20 mins on adler cause your 6th had to go to bed, worst oppo ever
ye thats why you played us 10 times.. Just accept its 2-2, deal with it :) or disput it on cg :) idc
:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I didn't need to go to bed, my parents were doing annoying so I decided to just stop...
They are just younger than me, that's what you're dealing with mate
thats why i said, not later than 20:30 , cuz i knew that this AC would be a problem for atleast 1 ^player :)
3rd map is a must + anger was playing without CGAC - at Cybergamer it will be 4:2 TK win
they left on 3rd map :)
so 1:0 for TK - anger was playing without CGAC

your choice what loss you want
anger got some problems with cgac and we could get a new 6th, but they agreed that he could play without cgac.

QuoteRule changes
As stated above, CGAC must be used in all ladder matches played on CyberGamer. By scrolling down on a match page, you can see which players are currently running CGAC along with all logs for that match. Because the only way to see which players are currently running CGAC in a match is by checking the match page, we have decided that mercs are no longer allowed in CG matches. Any player who is not on a team's roster or is listed as "INELIGIBLE" is considered a merc.
They agreed with playing without anticheat :)!
+ what r4pz said :)

QuoteRule changes
As stated above, CGAC must be used in all ladder matches played on CyberGamer. By scrolling down on a match page, you can see which players are currently running CGAC along with all logs for that match. Because the only way to see which players are currently running CGAC in a match is by checking the match page, we have decided that mercs are no longer allowed in CG matches. Any player who is not on a team's roster or is listed as "INELIGIBLE" is considered a merc.
ye whatever, they allowed to play without :)
we are not.
Well, if that anticheat didnt want to upload .. And I did everything to fix it, someone also tried with teamviewer but he couldn't fix it either. They said I could come without and you can check replay if you think i'm a cheater .. XD
Then u could pm one of the admins to help u, there's always someone around, even i was at the time when game was going on, just cause ur AC wasnt running, it doesnt mean u were excused from using it, otherwise everyone could be doing that and then the point of having it "mandatory" would lost its cause. If u were unable to fix it, then ur team should have found replacement for u instead.

Normally the update problems were fixed by running program as administrator, or simply disable AV for that period of time, as it might as well block the update.
he did :) no reaction on it :)
He could pm me then, if im around i always try to help, if he wont be able to fix it, i can help him tomorrow.
YEP thats why 50% of the players in 3v3 offi's are playing without ac
thats why we cancelled few matches already
and we gonna cancel more
Its not about opponent agreeing for particular player to play without AC, its mandatory for every CG match and every player is obligated to use CGAC regardless of opposing team allowing it.
anger no ac??
no he had problems :), and NO he was not cheating.. He was recording btw , but whatever :) its 2-2 on gtv and 0-1 for tkeen in cg :) rules are rules indeed :)
Time wasting to the max, good decision