Happy Tree Friends vs credibilis. (3748 views)

ro Damon
bg dnbradio
nl GiZmOoO
fi Swanidius
de s1LENT
fi Webe
05.02.14 00:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: GiZmO* (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
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Total Pot: € 5390
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 21


gl guys :)
jaja der s1LENT.. habe gehört, dass er low- bei battlefield 4 ist :(
was ist das , no gross?
You have € 71 on de cre.
Possible win: € 119.99

silent, webe .. ok

but Swani ?! No way.
u dont seem to know cRe man. GG

more like s1lent, Swanidius .. ok

but webe? NOWAY!1111
:D do you even know credibilis! Even gr0ss wasnt in the oldest one!!
who cares who is playing in credibilis, HTF playing without shining star last times called "base"...
These guys hard skilldrop coz even inactive s1lent can pwn them.

i demand ban
np next time you will get rolled believe me ;D
good news from cheat developers?! Your manufacture aint as fast as upload's gg
can't u for once say gg without any trash talk or is it too hard for u?
Sorry for making you guys feel bad :(
they can only take wins like a man, but when it comes to losing there is always an excuse ;)
Are these pliers sharp?cRe.Swanidius 9 deaths without fragging,hard skilldrop.
sup problem officer? im winning all games here sup sup?!
xD'd these morons
gg swain
all i noticed is swani going for the lowest dmg every fucking game since anticheat XD even inactive silent outdamaging him, admins react.
swani is oldschoolfag, pls..

credibilis tag, silent insta rolling gg
fu xD