zaba@gejming vs Occidite Eos Omnes (2416 views)

pl suro
pl skii
pl sitek71
pl aix
pl RMC
pl Borys
pl Bambo
10.02.14 21:00 CET
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice 61 kills
Killing Spree zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice 9 frags without being killed
Accountant zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice 185% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice 11 gibs
...and stay dead! OeO'RMC! 26% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice 54 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! OeO'RMC! 4 SPAM kills
Fragstealer zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice 155 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! OeO'RMC! 254 damage per frag
What objective? zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice 350 XP
Red Shirt ^WOeO'^WBorys^Q! 56 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? ^WOeO'^WBorys^Q! 9 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore OeO'Bambo? 181 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut OeO'RMC! 1 team kills
Gingerbread man zG skii 19 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
zG skii9124640445011968125877400/04/136/230/217013454
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice1853506133110110930450931650/07/254/201/115315494
zG suro59242305071118566469211200/11/326/274/218913646
zG s10283813112723134721780178913250/112/3116/275/217114165
Player Summary for supply
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
zG skii100811212400421791853180/01/111/70/1DDDKKK/XDK//DKKDKKDK/KKDK
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice10073111130031966150300/02/19/60/1KDKDDD/KKDKD/K/KDKKKKD
zG suro33795151016121516441200/01/25/70/0DDKDKKD/TD////KDK/DDD
zG s78233283880113536050001380/04/425/200/2

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
zG skii114871614000723402016180/02/014/70/0DKK/KDKKKKK/K/DD/KDKKDK/DK/KK/
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice17074171010032180143900/03/014/70/0KKD/KKD/KDKKKKDKDKKKDKK/KKD
zG suro505891800061535216800/10/18/91/1/KDDDD/DK/KKDKDD/K/DKKDDDK/
zG s11121942421001660555623180/15/136/231/1
Player Summary for sp_delivery_te
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
zG skii6666101510151831193640/01/010/90/1KDKK/KK/KD/K/KTDDDK/DKDDDD
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice30018130106013469018341650/02/128/61/0KDKD/KKKK/KKKDKKDKK/KKKKKKKKTKKKKKKKDKDKD
zG suro10783151461052559270900/00/012/93/1KK//DKK/KSDKKXD/DKKXKKKKD/DDKDK
zG s1583305539131213908064791690/03/150/244/2

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
zG skii66122300034627200/00/01/00/0K/K//
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice1502232100146831700/00/03/10/0/KKKD
zG suro332213000135540000/00/01/20/0/DDK
zG s8356681005128578900/00/05/30/0

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
[Countdown]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[11:55]: OeO'RMC!called a vote.
[11:54]: *** Match Reset! ***
[11:54]: Vote passed!
zG suro [Warmup]: wygraliscie te offi o 20:00?
OeO'RMC! [Warmup]: ta
zG suro [Warmup]: 4:0?
OeO'RMC! [Warmup]: 3:1
zG suro [Warmup]: k
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Warmup]: jak sie
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Warmup]: hitsoundy
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Warmup]: wylaczao
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Warmup]: xd
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Warmup]: komenda
zG suro [Warmup]: XD
OeO'RMC! [Warmup]: \b_hitsounds
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Warmup]: kk
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Warmup]: thx
OeO'RMC! [Warmup]: POWIEM Ci ze tez sie zastanawialem
OeO'RMC! [Warmup]: czy nie wylaczyc
OeO'RMC! [Warmup]: bo z jednej strony jak nie trafisz pierwszych 6 strzalow to juz kurwica strzela
OeO'RMC! [Warmup]: i reszta jak krew w piach
zG suro [Warmup]: idzie ziomek?
OeO'RMC! [Warmup]: ale z drugiej strony nie powiesz info czy zbity mocno czy nie xD
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Warmup]: mi bez hitsoundow
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Warmup]: zajebiscie wchodzi
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Warmup]: :d
OeO'Bambo? [Warmup]: zaraz bedzie hax mu tnie na tym ccag
OeO'RMC! [Warmup]: SUPPLY chyba nasze
OeO'Bambo? [Warmup]: ktora wasza mapa
OeO'RMC! [Warmup]: z tego co pamietam
zG suro [Warmup]: nasze deli
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Warmup]: borys
OeO'RMC! [Warmup]: Bambo ma problemy z polaczeniem
OeO'Bambo? [Warmup]: xo
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Warmup]: cgac?
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Warmup]: :>
OeO'Bambo? [Warmup]: mam
OeO'Bambo? [Warmup]: mam wlaczone
OeO'Bambo? [Warmup]: odzwiez strosze
OeO'Bambo? [Warmup]: czy cos
OeO'RMC! [Warmup]: mozemy miec specta
OeO'RMC! [Warmup]: jednego ?
zG suro [Warmup]: szczurekToday21:08Borys and Bambo are playing without CGAC, but i can't join atm
zG suro [Warmup]: szczurekToday21:08Borys and Bambo are playing without CGAC, but i can't join atm
OeO'RMC! [Warmup]: bo bambo jednak jest
zG suro [Warmup]: co wy na to?
OeO'Bambo? [Warmup]: nie rozumiem
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Warmup]: a grajcie
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Warmup]: XD
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Warmup]: bez
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Warmup]: cgaca
OeO'Bambo? [Warmup]: zaraz przyjde
zG suro [Warmup]: xd
zG suro [Warmup]: kurwa
zG suro [Warmup]: my o 22 next offi mamy
OeO'RMC! [Warmup]: slabo jeszcze ten program jest dopracowany
zG suro [Warmup]: wiec szybko
OeO'RMC! [Warmup]: wiem ze napewno musi byc ten glos CG Anti Cheat Activated
OeO'Bambo? [Warmup]: z mam lasem i jaggiem ?
OeO'Bambo? [Warmup]: witam
OeO'Bambo? [Warmup]: panowie
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Warmup]: WITAM
OeO'Bambo? [Warmup]: slabi sa
zG skii [Warmup]: ready.
^WOeO'^WBorys^Q! [Warmup]: sry
zG suro [Warmup]: grajmy
zG skii [Warmup]: FRAGUS cguac on?
OeO'Bambo? [Warmup]: rup
zG skii [Warmup]: ready.
OeO'fragus. [Warmup]: ta
^WOeO'^WBorys^Q! [Warmup]: wlaczone mam?
zG suro [Warmup]: kurwa
zG suro [Warmup]: nas sie pytasz?XD
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Warmup]: grajmy
^WOeO'^WBorys^Q! [Warmup]: no bo ty masz watpliwosci
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Countdown]: hf
zG skii [Countdown]: :XDDDDDDDDD
zG suro [Countdown]: pozdro dla viewersow gtv
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [11:34]: jebane lagi
[10:48]: Match is PAUSED! (Axis)
zG suro [10:48]: kurwa
OeO'RMC! [10:47]: moment
zG suro [10:48]: ziom
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [10:48]: :)
[10:47]: Match resuming in 225 seconds!
OeO'RMC! [10:48]: ok
[10:47]: Match resuming in 210 seconds!
zG skii [10:48]: :D
[10:47]: Match resuming in 195 seconds!
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [10:48]: oreo
[10:47]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[10:47]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[10:47]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[10:47]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[10:47]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[10:47]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[10:47]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[10:47]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[10:47]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[10:47]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[10:47]: FIGHT!
[10:30]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[10:28]: The Axis have captured the forward bunker!
[10:27]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[10:25]: The Axis have captured the forward bunker!
[10:23]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[9:54]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[9:38]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
[9:35]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [8:46]: 8)
[8:42]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[8:23]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
[8:21]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[8:14]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
[7:11]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
[7:01]: The Allied Truck is in position!
[6:24]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
[6:23]: The Allies have activated the crane!
[6:10]: The Allies have loaded the Gold Crate onto the Truck!
[4:41]: The Allies have escaped with the Gold Crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 7:18
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Intermission]: KREW W PIACH
zG skii [Warmup]: ready.
[6:32]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[6:31]: The Axis have captured the forward bunker!
zG skii [6:18]: :XDDDDDDDDD
zG skii [6:18]: :XDDDDDDDDD
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [6:12]: popisowy nuer
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [6:11]: numer
zG suro [6:11]: 2
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [6:10]: x)
zG suro [6:10]: 1
zG suro [6:09]: spawn
[6:07]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[5:46]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[5:27]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
[5:19]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[4:46]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[4:23]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[2:15]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
[1:05]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (7:18)
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Intermission]: bez formy
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Intermission]: (:
zG suro [Warmup]: :/
zG skii [Warmup]: ready.
[9:52]: Allies have damaged the East Wall
[9:44]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[9:35]: Axis reclaim the Forward Bunker!
[7:27]: Door Controls have been constructed.
[7:27]: Allies have secured the forward bunker.
[7:16]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [7:11]: XD
zG skii [7:11]: :XDDDDDDDDD
zG skii [7:11]: :XDDDDDDDDD
zG suro [7:10]: XD
zG skii [7:08]: hahha
[7:03]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[6:59]: The Allies have secured a gold crate!
[6:55]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[6:47]: The Loading Doors are Closing!
[6:40]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[6:12]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[6:00]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[5:54]: The Loading Doors are Closing!
[5:44]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[5:20]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
OeO'Bambo? [4:42]: POJEBALO ?
[4:41]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
zG skii [4:34]: :XDDDDDDDDD
zG skii [4:34]: :XDDDDDDDDD
zG skii [4:34]: :XDDDDDDDDD
[4:20]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
zG suro [4:04]: xD
[4:02]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[3:19]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[2:31]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[2:12]: The Loading Doors are Closing!
[2:00]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[1:54]: The Loading Doors are Closing!
[1:40]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[1:24]: The Allies have secured a gold crate!
[1:24]: Allies have escaped with the Gold!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 10:35
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Intermission]: XDXDDXD
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Intermission]: XD
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Intermission]: XD
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Intermission]: JAAHHAHAHA
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Intermission]: ziewale
^WOeO'^WBorys^Q! [Intermission]: :D
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Intermission]: m
zG skii [Intermission]: ²xD
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Intermission]: a tu gold
OeO'Bambo? [Intermission]: sitek
zG suro [Intermission]: xd
OeO'RMC! [Intermission]: smutne
zG skii [Warmup]: ready.
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Warmup]: zaklad o 5k poszedl
OeO'Bambo? [Warmup]: ale nakurwiles fragow
zG skii [Warmup]: ready.
[9:50]: Allies have damaged the East Wall
[9:48]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[9:47]: Axis reclaim the Forward Bunker!
[9:46]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[9:33]: Door Controls have been constructed.
[9:33]: Allies have secured the forward bunker.
[9:32]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[9:23]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[9:09]: The Loading Doors are Closing!
[9:09]: The Allies have secured a gold crate!
[9:02]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[8:49]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[8:40]: The Allies have secured a gold crate!
[8:40]: Allies have escaped with the Gold!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 1:54 (original: 10:35)
zG sitek71^P^Vluckydice [Intermission]: WP
zG suro [Intermission]: ggg
zG suro [Intermission]: wp
OeO'Bambo? [Intermission]: lol
[Intermission]: zG suro disconnected
OeO'Bambo? [Intermission]: wp
[Intermission]: zG sitek71luckydice disconnected
[Intermission]: OeO'Bambo? disconnected
[Intermission]: OeO'fragus. disconnected
[Intermission]: OeO'Borys! disconnected

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.