zaba@gejming vs Nakurw-Clan (2584 views)

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11.02.14 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: Suuuro (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te

Total Pot: € 3344
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 6


Hf cwelmik :D
Gl siuro
gl suro mate
gl kaufje ! :)
thanks mate :)
Sosnowiec siedzi cicho xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
suroo... give us server ip :D
Suro <33333
nice score btw..
funny that szczurek can cancell matches but some other admin from across the sea can't handle it...
Why it's been cancelled?
btw check your inbox on crossfire
ppl are not able to use CGAC like it should be used, CGAC FAQ is not so long...
cant see any british cg et admin
gonna donate for a worldmap
u should take a look on the worldmap instead, its ocean not sea :'D
then you should change your language...
right, across the sea... so its swedish or norwegian or finnish admin, gg. u got me.
good admin
If you're talking about me, it's not really possible to cancel matches when I'm offline.
funny that you was online and checked the matchpage instantly on the matches... but you mostly responding with
Quotewe will check this and take action if necessary
... i can see what actions you are doin...
I just got back home after being gone for 3 hours or so. There's no point in forfeiting/cancelling matches where the offending team lost anyway, since the penalty on CG is the same. We're looking into alternative methods of punishment. Sorry to disappoint you so much!
why then public some rulez about AC is mandatory in all matches on CG since you obviously not following them or just create your own rulez... i reported 2 matches from february 5, 2014 and you did nothing by now... oh they lost but care to use our own rulez cause im fucking useless as an admin except for writing some news...
Haha, really? I just explained to you why I "did nothing" for those matches. A score of 1-0 for a team on CG is the same as a score of 4-0 or 4-2 or 3-1 for the same team. Not gonna waste my time changing match result after match result if it doesn't do anything anyway. Maybe if you spent less time stalking me and accusing me and my friends of cheating and more time learning how to read, then you might have understood the first time.

You can talk shit, but I'd love to see how well you would do in my position. It's pretty easy to call me useless when you don't have any responsibilities of your own. :)
dunno what shit i have talked... i only stated the fact of rules... 1:0 could be cause of enemy didnt show ip but is this rule changing the rule that the anticheat is a must have?

i applied 2 time for the democrew but being noname is hard to get any responsibilities.. and my english sux hard so i never would go for a adminspot anyway...
Quotefucking useless as an admin except for writing some news

Quotedunno what shit i have talked

It's because of me and the others that you have both a league to play on as well as an anticheat to use.

And we can take care of our own rules, thanks. There is a lot more going on at the moment than just keeping track of who is and isn't using CGAC in every single ladder match.
then why is it mandatory on ladder matches in the first place if admins don't have time to make sure everyone is using it? It's almost the same as if there wasn't any AC at all if only every second or third team is using it.. you really shouldn't give any team a chance to break the rules or soon there will be no one using it and all the hardwork has gone to waste... :S
he only said that there is a lot more going on at the moment than just keeping track off blabla. Where did he say they are not keeping track of people using cgac? please give him/thhem a break and stop with this useless flame.
edit: + ohurcool: We're looking into alternative methods of punishment.
I didn't mean it like that man.. it's just a fact that there have been more than a couple official matches now in which one team is using AC and the other is not for some ridiculous excuse like can't contact and admin or something like that... dunno if that is really true and if it is maybe there's some need for couple more admins so players can get to them when they have problems with the new AC etc. I just think it's really important that everything is going by the rules from the beginning and the game stays fair for everyone, that's all. :)
We are obviously doing our best to make sure everyone is using CGAC, but we're not robots, that's all. No one is giving any team a chance to break the rules. Also keep in mind that the anticheat is in its very early stages. Things will get better and easier for both players and admins as time goes by.
obviously not... and then you cry again cause you have so less help etc.
Dunno what you mean, and I'm not crying. You're the one who is calling me "useless as an admin" simply because I don't react to things as quickly as you'd like.

Anyway, I don't have to explain myself to you. If you disagree with how we're running things, then just don't play on CG.
quickly? sorry but 1 week isnt even close to quickly... and since you were online at this time... but nvm gonna like from now on and do praise you as my god