Lifestyle vs zaba@gejming (2182 views)

pl SkyLine
pl bAstek
pl stexx
pl suro
pl skii
pl sitek71
12.02.14 20:45 CET
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth LF|SkyLine 45 kills
Killing Spree zG skii 5 frags without being killed
Accountant LF|SkyLine 98% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! LF|SkyLine 9 gibs
...and stay dead! LF|bAstek 28% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning zG skii 39 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! LF|bAstek 4 SPAM kills
Fragstealer ^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek 184 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! zG suro 432 damage per frag
What objective? LF|SkyLine 308 XP
Red Shirt zG suro 55 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? zG suro 9 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore ^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek 169 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut LF|bAstek 1 team kills
Gingerbread man zG skii 18 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
zG skii8724641476001875497585360/02/339/240/218416157
zG suro291601655300747138037360/00/415/391/529514629
Player Summary for sp_delivery_te
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
zG skii604961040031583175300/00/16/60/0/DKKK/DDDD/DKKDK
zG suro153121310008721659180/00/02/100/3DDDDKDDKDDDDDDD

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
zG skii10022440000564738180/01/13/30/0DKKDKKDD
zG suro1623160000758109300/00/11/50/0DDDKDDD
Player Summary for supply
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
zG skii92811314000323042307180/00/013/90/2DDKKKKK/DDDKDKDK/DKD/KKKDKD
zG suro5258917100617152449180/00/18/101/0/D/D/DKD/KDK/KDDKDDK/KDDKK

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
zG skii94941819200123098278700/01/117/60/0KK///KDK/DKKK//KDK/KDK///DDK/KKK/KDKK
zG suro214841910011368283600/00/24/140/2DKDDKDDDDDDDD/KDDDDKDDD

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Warmup]: stex a ty to kto kurwa jestes?
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Warmup]: ze sie tak zapyta
zG skii [Warmup]: dobra pozdro dla Skajlajna!
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Warmup]: m
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Warmup]: :<
LF|stexx [Warmup]: trynkiewicz
zG skii [Warmup]: ready.
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Warmup]: pytalem o ciebie nie o bastka
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Warmup]: dobra
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Warmup]: steks
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Warmup]: powodzenia
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Warmup]: nissan ty sie pierdol
LF|stexx [Warmup]: thx kumpplu
LF|stexx [Warmup]: ale daj rdy
LF|SkyLine [Countdown]: dawaj rupa
LF|SkyLine [Countdown]: pajacu
LF|SkyLine [Countdown]: jebany
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Countdown]: orda
zG skii [Countdown]: skajuu
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Countdown]: morda
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Countdown]: smieciu
zG skii [Countdown]: bez nerwow :(
LF|SkyLine [Countdown]: nie jestemnerwowy :)
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Countdown]: CWE
LF|SkyLine [11:58]: tylko nie nawidze randomow
[11:20]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[11:15]: Allies have damaged the East Wall
[10:13]: Allies have secured the forward bunker.
[10:13]: Door Controls have been constructed.
[10:12]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[10:10]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[10:02]: The Loading Doors are Closing!
[9:40]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[9:37]: The Allies have secured a gold crate!
[9:32]: The Loading Doors are Closing!
[9:29]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[8:16]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[8:09]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [8:09]: xd]
[7:47]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[7:30]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[6:44]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[6:29]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[6:13]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[6:09]: Allies have escaped with the Gold!
[6:09]: The Allies have secured a gold crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 5:50
LF|SkyLine [Intermission]: skiper
LF|SkyLine [Intermission]: po chuj grasz
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Intermission]: 71 ZROB SALUT WIOZE SIE POMALU
LF|SkyLine [Intermission]: z debilem
LF|SkyLine [Intermission]: na bocie
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Intermission]: na chuju
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Intermission]: osle
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Warmup]: jebany
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Warmup]: cwelu
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Warmup]: ssij
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Warmup]: IZI
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Warmup]: LATWEO
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Warmup]: LAWO
zG skii [Warmup]: ready.
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Warmup]: jebane low
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Countdown]: autograf dziwko?
[5:05]: Allies have damaged the East Wall
[4:55]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[4:18]: Allies have secured the forward bunker.
[4:18]: Door Controls have been constructed.
[4:05]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[3:54]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[3:46]: The Allies have secured a gold crate!
[3:43]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[3:37]: The Loading Doors are Closing!
[3:04]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[3:03]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[2:52]: The Loading Doors are Closing!
zG skii [2:42]: SKAAAJU :d
[2:40]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[2:36]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
zG skii [2:24]: gg
[2:20]: Allies have escaped with the Gold!
[2:20]: The Allies have secured a gold crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 3:30 (original: 5:50)
LF|SkyLine [Intermission]: z haxem w teamie
LF|SkyLine [Intermission]: i wp izde
LF|SkyLine [Intermission]: to jestkurwa
LF|SkyLine [Intermission]: ciekawe
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Countdown]: wyjebac to ci moge stopera
LF|SkyLine [Countdown]: twoj stary niedawno wyszedl z wiezienia
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Countdown]: na ryj
LF|SkyLine [Countdown]: takze szykuj sie
zG skii [Countdown]: trelemorele ma cguac
LF|SkyLine [Countdown]: trynki ejst w drodze
LF|SkyLine [Countdown]: pierdolcu jebany
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Countdown]: placz
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Countdown]: zdziro
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [11:12]: AHHAHA
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [11:12]: DOBRE
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [11:11]: DOBRE
[11:10]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[10:48]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[10:27]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[10:08]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [9:30]: kk
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [9:29]: skyline
[9:13]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[9:08]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
zG skii [8:59]: KURWA
[7:55]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
[7:53]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
[7:20]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
zG skii [7:07]: ten to przesadza
[6:54]: The Allied Truck is in position!
zG suro [6:21]: tys widziol
zG skii [6:17]: xDD
[5:52]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
[5:51]: The Allies have activated the crane!
[5:38]: The Allies have loaded the Gold Crate onto the Truck!
zG skii [5:26]: kurw
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [4:48]: skyline
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [4:47]: nabank
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [4:46]: xd
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [4:10]: kk
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [3:17]: skyline
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [3:16]: dobrze
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [3:15]: przez
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [3:14]: drzew
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [3:14]: XD
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [3:13]: o
[3:10]: The Allies have escaped with the Gold Crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 8:49
LF|SkyLine [Intermission]: brawo sitek
zG skii [Warmup]: ready.
LF|SkyLine [Warmup]: nejm of the year
LF|stexx [Warmup]: lcuky dice
[8:27]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[8:25]: The Axis have captured the forward bunker!
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [8:15]: pocwicz skaju
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [8:13]: jeszcze
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [8:12]: x)
LF|bAstek [6:10]: GG LAG
[6:03]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [5:48]: 1v1latwo
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [5:44]: a ten skyline
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [5:42]: to juz w ogole
[5:37]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [5:32]: LATWO
LF|SkyLine [5:27]: nie rob z siebie wiekszego pajaca niz jestes
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [5:22]: morda
zG skii [5:20]: sure
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [5:18]: za latwy jestes
[5:16]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [5:13]: zeby do mnie pisac
[5:13]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [4:04]: XD
[3:38]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[3:34]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (8:49)
LF|SkyLine [Intermission]: brawo
[Intermission]: LF|SkyLine disconnected
[Intermission]: LF|stexx disconnected
^CFRo^V^CG^P-sitek [Intermission]: LATWO
[Intermission]: FRoG-sitek disconnected
[Intermission]: zG suro disconnected
[Intermission]: LF|bAstek disconnected

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.