greejtsjot vs LIKE A BOSS (4811 views)

be Azur
be Buzzer
be ViKO
be ChilAx
be Jerreuh
be sn1p

#gMen 3on3 World Cup
Belgian Qualifier Series
Round Robin Round 1 - Bo3
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25.02.14 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: #gMen 3on3 World Cup » Matchlink
Manager: timbolina (Highadmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 7169
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


- viko, and go for team wallonie noubs
ViKO est wallon de coeur!
oh ce flag

e: - Azur
je suis toujours à bruxelles mais mon internet a décidé de bouger en france juste pour gtv :D
diz logo tho
lourde équipe
hf guys
1) crying about cheaters
2) playing with 3 cheaters in team
hellfag logic win
Where do you see 3 cheaters in a team?
i think u are incredibly stupid
Calling me cheater=gg
hi nejm, how are you?:D
hi nejm, how are you?:D
Hi nejm, how are you? :D

Remeber who fight for you, for your free word fucking fat dutch chocholate. My and his Grandpa, Grandmas cry so stfu fucking gaymoder and go back to books.
Its another stupid joke with Polish People. Lern to smile , when we fight with army of Hitler , Belgian people just open gate for them .I would like to seid they are just scaring to lost Bruksela
im fine, cant wait to see my bustmovie from nbs bro. can u make it faster?
Weren't we supposed to play as "team ViKO" ? :S

y'a du gros niveau chez like a boss xD
Trolol quoi :D
Oh wait, non.
gl glenn
dont fool around on lottomaps v56 or we will have to listen teen squad ego forever :S
hf viko, chilax and glenn!
Easy Peezy Lemon Squeezy eh. hf v56
You guys better bet on the other team :S

Nice sarcasm
Actually giving some great advices.
hahaha true
y'a du gros niveau chez like a boss xD
gl both!
GL to you too mate with your Tmbau

We should play again, if you got the time.
Had to reset my OS, so I lost your TS's ip (two days ago).

Can you sent it to me in a pm, if you want to play again? :p


Gl. Azur Buzzer Viko
Glenn > viko
Jerreuh > mAus, mAx, Shewie, lio
Glenn will carry,np
easy azur & co.
- HellfaG
alé en dan verzetten die da nog? Of waren jullie da?
mwjaa tword wa moeilijk om het te doen passen :D ze konden nie, blijkbaar hadden die admins gwn ne datum gezet, ma moet je da tussen de 2 teams zelf nog bespreken :)
Je suis jamais la quand il faut ! :D

tu veux me replacer? :P
Weet ge al iets meer, kanj dinsdag of donderdag avond echt NIET? van die taliban hoork ook nog niets, en heb geen zin om ne forced match te spelen
I can't :p i'm working til 20.00 so... :D , gl mate
We're still trying to find a good date to play, probably won't be this one
wut? u not playing tonight?
da bdoelk eh, dak zot kom van da geregel, ze zeggen ook hele tijd we kijken dag op dag :) maar ik heb m'n datums en tijden doorggegeven dat we kunnen spelen.. Dat is onderandere vanavond
Jullie zijn toch groot genoeg om iets zelf te regelen? :S
QuotesaNjih Monday, 24th February 2014 13:16
remplacer* :p

remplacer* :p
While you guys are playing, I'll be watching HD porno ':D'.

GL BOSS and otherbe
easy for chilax...