FatGames vs Revolution.et (6345 views)

pl etsi
ee Holz
pl kot
de urtier
ie sol
pl S4rna
gb Sean
gb Tardler
pl cms
fi Statti
fr Rebel
gb Elfeh
27.03.08 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL EMS Qualifiers
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Statti (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 19540
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
us LoveTheScene.net
By: fergyc
Listen to fergyc
Language: English (UK)

Total Slots: 32
Listener Peak: 28

Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettv Server 3
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de #fayntic ETTV 2
By: h3ll (ettvd)

de #LoFT ETTV2
By: benJi (ettvd)
de iNmotion_TV
By: CuttyP (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 125


gl :>
gl fatties


izibash for FG :(
What about me you smash caked hippie? I want to be nr.7 tbh
Tardler, that cheating cunt haha.
haha, you are just pissed off cause we raged you. :'(
Tardler raged us, you didn't even come close.
and youre pissed of because i raged you
I said the same
gl sol
izibash for Revolution, feel sorry for FatGames
Have fun Tardler! ;D
gl statti<333 :) ( oon nixu )
Benji, my hero! :D hes BOTM!
gl elfeh <3 new mystic
izi for fattygames btw nice match vs o6 ! xD
Good Luck to both teams
gl elf
will be funny
Gl Revolution
You have € 1 on rev
Possible win: € 38.43
You have € 24 on rev
Possible win: € 798.72

gogogog cms :-)
gl rebel
Atleast pot is big:D
You have 100 on rev
Possible win: 3075

Make me proud so i can win some monies :P

You have € 50 on eu FG Cancel bet
Possible win: € 51.5
gl stat
cycki mojej starej masz zbic albo nie dostaniesz prezentu na 18 ;DDD
gl Sean :XD
Tardler fuck kanker noob so low roflrofl low low
Go go go FG :D
I feel sorry for FG, having to be humiliated by us on ETTV :D:D::D:D
may be doing shoutcast for this if I can manage it.
yeah shoutcast would be great
gl cms
You have € 59 on gb rev Cancel bet
Possible win: € 2715.77

easy for rev xD
You have € 10 on gb rev Cancel bet
Possible win: € 424.2
Go Elfi - 4 man teamkill panzer!
rifle* I expect u to be watching D:
Elfi go for the 4 man tk it will go down well >:D
shoutcast is up soon!
elfi, gotta beat that 3 man teamkill panzer!
oh shit having problems updating punkbuster, i'm using pbsetup
fixed! stream up, enjoy!
Nice music :)
Nice to have english shoutcast, keep it up fergyc.
can you listen to it? :<
Its not English.
well i'm english and was speaking english lol
an wud just like to apologise for bad ommentry as i was spectator not shoutcaster and cudn't tell who was who :D
crappy shoutcast tbh
Sounded Geordie to me not English, warn me nextime your going to cast so I can have a few vodkas 1st then I may be able to understand :)
whats wrong with geordie you fat prick, i spoe proper english, can u not be a prick. I did it last minute and nothing was set up, i cudn't even see the games' names
well done fat gamers
WELL THAT WAS UNEXPECTED (sarcasm detected)
unexpected rape.

Fat Games were obviously more experienced, and outskilled us. :)

They only won because Sean didnt revive enough.
lol ^^
at all*
Wouldn't want to go near you cause you are a smelly bastard! :=D
kot and rifle = so much fuN =) WP
good game guys, F1