Forward Momentum vs Runo<3 (4760 views)

ca Tomun
ca anim
ca monkey
ca CrimZon
nl stib
gb razz
gb clarkee
fi toNi
gb Nips
nl esSe
fi dTEC7
nl vANQ
23.02.14 23:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: foreigner (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 43945
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 27


NA ET #1
avi to carry anim #arabswag
i dont understand how they picked razz over darki
detdet about to get a nice little surprise again when he realise that this team wont get its player on time and they are already playing a match hahaha SHOULD HAVE STICKED WITH OHYOUARECOOL TEAM TRAITOR enjoy playing with ringers bruh

- razz
- anim
gl crimzon chin :)
im scared
hi scared, im dad
i'll be rooting for you chin, my moral support will be in your favor to achieve glorious fragz like we did in cuntrolled
gl boys!
gl esSe
crimzon and stib fucking assholes
Are these pliers sharp? eA.dtect =)))) 19 deaths without fragging
kill stealing bitches in my team
you can do all things through christ jesus
Eyes Wide Shut eA.dtect =)))) 8 team kills

Even with dtect helping you guys out, you couldn't win
no hobbit no win :s
lemme just reinstall the game and i'll carry tomun to victory
brandon carrying olord