Malibu vs LIKE A BOSS (4029 views)

nl kApot
hu lajt
gb Conquery
be ChilAx
be sN1p
be HellfaG
19.02.14 19:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: kAPOTNL (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
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Total Pot: € 5229
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17


gl hf lajt
Over flag is dirty! Base wash it!
:OOO!! Conqueryyy my saaaan!.. good luck newb <3
You have € 10 on eu mAlibu
Possible win: € 17.2

All my money on u, go kapot, lajt
Thank you
how dafuq can i contact you ?
hf BOSS & kapot
gl chilax & sn1p!
gl chilaxsnip
gl r4pz/eron whoever that carrier third is :D
he's vyndem aka revoc :) but he's not playing :) sherlock
bb money then, no carrier no win.

You have € 250 on eu BOSS
Possible win: € 422.5
dude :D hf with your money :)
You have € 222 on eu mAlibu
You lost

thanks xD
You have € 250 on eu BOSS
You won € 422.5

You have € 250 on eu mAlibu
You lost

En dan moet ge weten, dat da perongeluk was.
ik wou op ons betten.
Kweet ni wat er fout gegaan is :s
You have € 250 on BOSS
You won € 422.5
Ja sorry kon er niet zijn & zat al in malibu team dus denk niet dat ik mocht spelen :p
jmag in 10 teams op 3v3 ladder :DD je mocht dus wel spelen hooor :D enja, ander keertj :D