vs run4skill (4308 views)

pl Tedziu
pl CrYpt
pl th0rdis
pl Matys
pl 45
pl Xardas
pl inOs
pl 010
pl anagaro
pl eve
pl evoks
pl mrk
pl part
pl zakus
02.04.08 20:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ouTplayed Cup 6on6
Manager: Mar!o (Requestee)
Maps: Supply Depot

Total Pot: € 4449
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #LoFT ETTV4
By: benJi (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 21


no comments yet :)
gl fanatics :*

matys karaj rifla :D
gl fanatics :) tedziu rob swoje
gl & hf :)
!!! Fanatics karajcie! :*<3
mrk pobije ;x
gl fanatics
Gl r4s! <3
GL Fanatics, zbij ich th0rdis :D
evoks hf! :D
gl evokz !
gl hf r4s
Powodzenia i udanej zabawy grajac mecz bo o to chodzi glownie xD gl & hf
r4s - pozdro eve & part, where is Catter? :)
thx :)
Catter - Public Relations ^^
You have € 35 on Fan
Possible win: € 189.7
gl fanatics
easy money. bet on fanatics.
r4s ftw! gl & hf
low vs low = high skilled match :O
I wouldn't call r4s a lowskilled clan. They shouldn't be call like that jsut because they're not widely known. Most of them really know how to play this game.
we will see
lukey consider this: clans like atoon/FwC/wave etc... rate themselves med, med+ at most. so now, how would You compare those 2 clans here to those pointed by me ? i'm pretty damn sure that each one of those "mine" clans would eat et.fanatics/run4skill. oh and one more thing, singl players don't make the team win, teamplay and tactics does !
I co sie chwalicie ze umiecie angielski? XD
the truth is that poland has at most 2-3 highskilled teams(ff, auth i savak), about 8-10 medskilled teams(GGT clans + wave + blurred - vision and mayby invitum). The rest is lowskilled. You all have to be aware of the fact, that low skill now isn't the same lowskill as 2-3 years ago. ppl evolve, clans do to, nobody stands in one place, everybody plays better then they used to.
Go, go, go, run4skill! Zeh karat0rs! <3
alko high
gl evoks! <3
th0rdis = thoro? xD
easy for r4s!
Gl Friends
Gl hf :)
4:0 r4s
4:0 r4s
wp guys ;)
mialem treme :D
gg wp
expected for r4s!
r4s - congratulations!