mushroom army vs Forward Momentum (4581 views)

07.03.14 23:30 CET
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League: | CG EU ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | CyberGamer EU | |
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Why nplane can play other match with his fucking cheat ...
Because there is no proof that he is cheating?
So lets wait for proofs from anticheat. uac banlist was impressive, i heard thisone is even better ac.
Not really interested in reading your lame troll attempts today, sorry.
Right, who cares about cheaters playing in front of ur eyes and laughing at everyone who can spot it.
Please enlighten me. Who exactly is "cheating in front of my eyes and laughing at everyone who can spot it"? I'd like to see either some names and evidence or an apology for acting like I don't care about so-called "cheaters".
Rapz, base, chilax, constan, dnbradio, yulian, scow, insane, vyji, yii, yli
`me? LOL'ed
Now we just need some proof that all eleven of those players are cheating. Would you happen to have any?
Now we just need some proof that all eleven of those players are cheating. Would you happen to have any?
No, but i have a proof of an admin spreading a wings around accused player without any proof that he's not cheating and this is annoying :'D
Edit: if u want some proofs of them cheating, check here:
Edit: if u want some proofs of them cheating, check here:
Bullshit. The burden of proof is on the one accusing him of cheating, not me. That's like saying God exists because there is no proof that he doesn't exist.
But u decided to laugh at people accusing him by ur sarcastic comment. God does exist because there are no proofs that he doesnt exist.
Yeah, because he's a friend of mine and peaches, and I do not believe at all that he is cheating.
Imagine, that every busted player had someone he knew for ages and he didnt tell him, he's cheating.
I personally don't believe that he is cheating. -> There is no evidence that he is cheating. -> He is most likely clean, and everyone accusing him of cheating is simply paranoid (as usual).
Show me some proof that he cheats, and I'll reconsider.
I personally don't believe that he is cheating. -> There is no evidence that he is cheating. -> He is most likely clean, and everyone accusing him of cheating is simply paranoid (as usual).
Show me some proof that he cheats, and I'll reconsider.
Against logic and against statistics, u havent any cheating buddy, even if 1/4 of et players were banned/busted in past. U are so lucky.
Why would I waste my time investigating nplane or <insert player's name here> if I don't think he's cheating and no one has any bannable evidence that he is cheating?
I've never been busted, and no one I play with has ever been busted.
I've never been busted, and no one I play with has ever been busted.
Btw zaba never get busted under his fake cb name.
Btw zaba never get busted under his fake cb name.
That's not really what I meant, but it's better than nothing I guess.
With all due respect, do You really believe in 5 months skillboosts like in base's , chilax's (he was banned already) and yulan's cases? Well let's say maybe yes, but then all oldschool allstars become nothing. I don't even know who yii , yli are. They were probably banned for 30 years at ClanBase, so they have returned as they got a second chance, but there are very small chances that they do not cheat.
I do not intend to spread a hate towards You, but we really shouldn't believe that there are no cheaters around because 'there is an anticheat'. A banlist would be helpfull for sure, but btw what is the state of anticheat? Do you plan to do such ban waves like tzac did? Ban lists will be published? Again, im not hatin, just askin :P
I do not intend to spread a hate towards You, but we really shouldn't believe that there are no cheaters around because 'there is an anticheat'. A banlist would be helpfull for sure, but btw what is the state of anticheat? Do you plan to do such ban waves like tzac did? Ban lists will be published? Again, im not hatin, just askin :P
I have never claimed to be an expert on catching cheaters and certainly do not believe that there are no cheaters around. But yes, I think the majority of cheat accusations made nowadays are simply the result of this mass paranoia that has existed ever since TZAC started going downhill. I've seen enough as both a player and an admin to confirm this. There are too many people in the community who are incapable of losing a match without accusing the other team of cheating. I am a medskilled player at best, yet I've been personally accused multiple times of cheating in IRC wars simply because my teammates and I did better than our opponent expected us to do.
CGAC is still in its early stages and is primarily geared towards CoD4. There is nothing I can do to speed up the process of the anticheat's development. I know I've said this many times before, but if someone has any ideas for an alternative method of preventing players from cheating, feel free to share them.
CGAC is still in its early stages and is primarily geared towards CoD4. There is nothing I can do to speed up the process of the anticheat's development. I know I've said this many times before, but if someone has any ideas for an alternative method of preventing players from cheating, feel free to share them.
Well I agree with You. But still, I think there are few cheaters left in this game :P Hope to see some nice updates for ET by CGAC tho :P
We'll see!
why you don't try senteza anticheat?
I don't know what that is.
...said the pL guy who hv no life,not even 1 pL is not on the list....all pl so clean,mayby is better to stop eating shit and get soo proof.
Shit is ur traditional romanian food and im not eating it.
you eat and a lot!
gl foreigner
You have 1000 on xi mush
You won 1440
thanks :D
You won 1440
thanks :D
do people seriously think plane is cheating or is it a joke?
No, ofc not. its whole mushroom team cheating :'D
Its funny right? U can even call admins to watch their games, and feel safe. Nazty needed an over year of fully obvious cheating to get banned after 1000 timesnaps.
so true...
Because friends wont get banned.
well, yi alias dubzer/magnum/rockefeller/caesar and a long list continuing was more often busted than a 4 years old can count and fumoffu alias fAzzo was tzac busted
The fact you're calling me dubzorr or rockefeller makes you look like a total retard. You are just pure guessing since im azziroo aka napajiri aka papachuloo. And yes no one knows me since i was banned on clanbase and always played under different names. But hey, people get 2nd chances. Even tho i got banned, doesnt mean i stopped playing ET. So quit the bullshit and accusations of cheating and have trust in cgac or make some decent avis.
Certainly if some people are 100000% sure CGAC is bypassed or rather that some people cheated on it in offis and there isn't any list, there is every right to call some faggots cheaters.
But yeah, admins dont care since those people give them activity in ladders.
PS: you will lose more players, if you let cheaters play, but do what you got to do
But yeah, admins dont care since those people give them activity in ladders.
PS: you will lose more players, if you let cheaters play, but do what you got to do
what bob said
Same shit, different day. If you think you think you can do a better job, go for it.
Same shit, different day. If you think you think you can do a better job, go for it.
what do you actually do except for writing some news?
I'm the reason you have ladders to play on and an anticheat to use. What do you do besides bitching and accusing players of cheating?
anything else than this shit which wasnt even your own idea?
which player do i accuse now? i just asked you something.. sorry that you cant even handle this...
which player do i accuse now? i just asked you something.. sorry that you cant even handle this...
I guess a new league and anticheat isn't good enough for you. Like I said above, if you think you can do better, feel free to give it a try.
hello dis is hazure
i like you
keep it up
big kisses
love ya
i like you
keep it up
big kisses
love ya
thx azurm8
thx azurm8
i just asked what you do except to write some news? i dont know what is bad about it...
It's a stupid and condescending question. I don't have to explain myself to anyone, especially someone like you who is going to continue to flame me and my efforts regardless of what I say or do.
Still have to listen to me tho.
That's what you think!
Because you always listen.
wow nice admin not even answering my question.. but replaying with some shit comments. and im really sorry that you cant stand any kind of critic..
Apology accepted.
No1 got Banned by ac Till now. So all Fine
Are you even reading my comments or just typing random words? :D
Got paid for Trolling sorry dawg
just request the latest matches of nplane. he is definitively using wh.
the first minute on deli (this match) is enough proof (at least for me): he shoots against the wall where someone is standing behind and there is no way that one can know that. furthermore he is checking the walls with his weird movement
the first minute on deli (this match) is enough proof (at least for me): he shoots against the wall where someone is standing behind and there is no way that one can know that. furthermore he is checking the walls with his weird movement
who is that "nplane" ?
he plays as Moriji Mochida in IRC
ach, ok, i know him! Ty.
wow.. he is still playing..gege
ac=joke u admins=joke.
sad but true.
need some ESL in here
need landschafts simulator
sad but true.
need some ESL in here
need landschafts simulator
How is the AC a joke? :s
no bans, but i know all play clean and no1 use cheats ....
So stop whining then if you aparently know no1s cheating, freak
says a "clean" player, dawg
Haha yeah i am actually clean, so not sure what you are on about l0l
yeah ac proved, so not sure what i am on about l0l
Yeah, bring ESL back so they can abandon us again a few months later and blame it on inactivity!
So sad how people like you will praise us and tell us how well we're doing whenever there is good news like CG supporting ET or CGAC being released but as soon as something you don't like happens or something you want to happen doesn't happen you flame us. :P
So sad how people like you will praise us and tell us how well we're doing whenever there is good news like CG supporting ET or CGAC being released but as soon as something you don't like happens or something you want to happen doesn't happen you flame us. :P

Edit: I'm quite anxious for the new banlist.
I can't imagine noone tested it. Noone in particular...
Looking forward to your post on crossfore about it.
But are you gonna wait with it after odc? or..?
Is this supposed to upset me or something? I think I've made it pretty clear in our past conversations that I don't really care what you think of me or how I do things.
Except the image, but all the rest was sincere.
But I'll say it like this: I look forward to a banlist.
Except the image, but all the rest was sincere.
But I'll say it like this: I look forward to a banlist.
if nplane is that Moriji Mochida or smth then it's funny, because he was fucking low- every single time we played against him...
Skoro v kazde hre co je na gtv je nakej cheater. Dokud si nenastavi aimfov na 360 a neprepnou z humana na ragebota, tak stejne nikdo ban nedostane.
Tak ono s tim poctem, co se "vratilo" kdyz se smazal banlist a vsechno z CB a jede se na novo, tka se neni cemu divit...
Staci nastavit nizkej aimfov, vypnout insta3hs a je to lehkej aimassist:D
Oni to banovat nebudou, nebo ne do ty doby, dokud nezacne hodne lidi kricet po jednom hraci -> jelikoz jim udrzujou aktivitu ladderu...
Staci nastavit nizkej aimfov, vypnout insta3hs a je to lehkej aimassist:D
Oni to banovat nebudou, nebo ne do ty doby, dokud nezacne hodne lidi kricet po jednom hraci -> jelikoz jim udrzujou aktivitu ladderu...

Had a good read here.
kenn ich nich