cat in a hat vs PRO4GAMERZ CLOUD9 (3603 views)

fi tintti
fi hazz
no sinche
nl Freddy
fi tOMBA
nl woott
fr eraz
nl fritsie
fi Metsuri
pl riZla
pl szczurek
nl wra1th

CyberGamer EU ET Season 1
ET 6on6 League
Division 3

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26.03.14 20:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET Season 1: 6on6 » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: Woott (Requestee)
Maps: Missile_b3

Total Pot: € 19193
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 9


another pwn from catz ;(
gl hazz !
gl both
gl knnk
savukonemies ownage
easy for catinahat
might be a nice game! gl both
gl hazz !
izi 4 lukas
gogogo wraith!!!
gL eraz
Why isn't your MVP Rami playing?
gl szczurek i rizla :) o7 ich rozjebalo raz :D wiec tam twardo :D
Want to play our offi after this?
who are you? :x
gl metsu & szkodnik!
gl woott <3
thanks punkz! :)
Did u see my comment?
Yes I did. Since you haven't been contacting me but hazz, you should check your IRC.
Woott wanneer kan je spelen die 6on6 ding stuur maar een challenge wij kijken wel :)
Hello mister kApot,

As you might have noticed only the challenging team can offer times. That means I can NOT offer you any times (challenge). I wrote a reply (see matchlink) to the other, more worthy being, captain in your team.

Good luck with this responsible task!
glhf woott,hazz,Metsuri
gl szczurek
catinahat got this
You have € 300 on eu =^.^= Cancel bet
Possible win: € 459
gl catinahat
25minuts game ?:D
forfeit !
ah they need to cancel the match then m8 :)
It's a 4-0 win, as talked about with CG Sszczurek (from Cloud 9). Get your own stuff on track first please.