iForgotTag vs budgie smugglers (4959 views)

pl SAnTi
pl TNT
pl friq
ie eeDe
au dashhh
au Pedro
au Covert
au shibB

CyberGamer EU ET Season 1
ET 3on3 League
Division 8

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23.03.14 00:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET Season 1: 3on3 » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: RooFi (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 3808
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 14


You have € 10 on eu iFT{
Possible win: € 19.6

All in!
betting vs pedro?! i see you like taking risk
You have € 25 on eu iFT{
Possible win: € 48

do spania roofi
bahaha shibb suggested a pic of abbot for our cg page. so onto it.
gl friq :)
gl pedro!
- eeDe
Nie rób mi tego! Liczyłem, że zagrasz:(
Bywa, jebać to całe CG, kurwa pisać do adminów, i żaden nei ma zamiaru pomóc, jedynie szczurek coś tam działał wczoraj, a reszta? pfff... szkoda gadać
Apparently you're having problems with CGAC? We were also but managed to fix them, maybe we could help you?
Nic nie powiem ale.... DARWIN !!!! :D
friq riskk ?!@$
roofi znowu ban :D?
Czy tak trudno wejść na cg i zobaczyc? Bana nie mam, ale CGAC jest tak pojebane, ze szkoda słów
nice lives polaks
Gl Rafal
no chlopaki nakurwiac:D
zajebiste pingi będą:>
+390 ping, ;_;
do spania kurwa
nice sunday morning in Australia :P
Supply "eeDe" Depot
You have € 100 on eu iFT{
You won € 284

You have € 150 on au bu
You lost

No Pedro no win
eede = win my little nigga
Haha when i play vs you = insta win for me wtf..
haha u got one time 7k dmg and u think u are the new mAus or something xD
kApot: fuck off now XD
eeDe: Skilled merc avi
even my little sister is better :D!
kAPOT 15 years old, so u r little >.<
haha im younger than you and still better in ET gg wp cu #kApotegoboost
#play #20h #per #day #:XDD
haha no League of legends is better :D!
East or West?
oh my god come down kid
eu west ofcourse :p
eu East :XD
wow! nice iFT{ XD
po prostu byliśmy lepsi :)
You have € 25 on eu iFT{
You won € 71

roofi po co wyzywasz sie z 12letnim dzieciakiem ktory ma ryj jakby go stara patelnia bila