Ninjas in Pyjamas vs Titan (4586 views)

se GeT_RiGhT
se f0rest
se Xizt
se Fifflaren
se friberg
fr NBK
be ScreaM
fr shox
be Ex6TenZ
fr SmithZz

Fragbite Masters
Winner Bracket Round 1 - Bo3


kind of tough first round
titans are playing so bad lately :<
"Hey! Why are you guys involving Xizt in my opinion? I'm 23 years old, I can stand behind my own words on 100% and I don't think anyone can control that.

I do think Fifflaren has to step down, same as cArn did long time ago. Thats what I think and I see nothing wrong about doing it in public. There are atleast 50% on that website that will agree on it, why are you guys not opening a topic about them? WTF?"
Can't wait :3
gg Titan !
You have € 250 on fr Titan
Possible win: € 1092.5
You have € 5 on fr Titan
You won € 24.1

bb skins :x