Rebellion vs beyond the grave (4192 views)

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Not Announced
02.04.08 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL EMS II Poland qualifier
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Pabi (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te

Total Pot: € 9649
The bets have been cancelled.

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lineup for grave?
hf grejw ;]
gl grave
2izi4 Lukey!!!
grejw :*
rebellion i belive in you
Own them, grave!
well i just saw rebellion playing, it was awfull o:
You have € 50 on Rebellio
Possible win: € 759
gl hf phase :} no whine :D
grave lajnap?
rL KARA OGIEN!!!!!!!
phase > all
gl phase and KOT3K
wiem phase :)
get dmg:))) raz sie moze zdazyc :*:*:*:* przyniose wam szczescie <3

ps all
mam nadzieje ze sie nie bedziecie masturbowac :D
Good Luck, Lukey!

We've had some problems lately and do not know who our 6th player will be because of n4jm's PC problems. Our lineup at this moment is like follows:

pl Beyond the Grave:

pl fuzi
pl hitsu
pl KOT3K
pl Lukey
pl Raiven
pl tba
ofc me @ teh first position
Yeah, I had to start with the worst one.
teh wpierdol by rebelion :S
btw izi for grave
np for Rebellion ..
i know their secret player haha =P
no - he means probally himself ;( but phase is the "wieczny skill0r of rL" - the only one who don't get kicked from rL (phase, not sUrreAl)
what u saying bitch ?
surreal what ?
what u fuck want ?
tard --'
Phase is a nice guy dont speak like that way unknow bitch --'
cancers of ET --'
u own surreal!
gl Raiven:*
go surreal
gogo grave
phase :) ego :D GL&HF :D
ej tu nie jest przesunieta godzina na gamestv? 20:40 a meczu nie ma . jak by nie bylo przesuniete to by bylo 19:40 i bylo by prawidlowo :o?
A mecz i tak o 21 czasu naszego nowego letniego ;]
btw 4:0 dla beyond the grave ;]