Netherlands vs Canada (5785 views)

nl GiZmO
nl kARMA
nl SQuid
ca anim
ca monkey
ca Tomun
#gMen 3on3 World Cup
Playoffs Final Series
Upper Round 2 - Bo3
Make sure you register your team via THIS link, before playing!
Contact your opponent to set a date for the match and PM an admin in #gMen
Matchweek 2: 1-8 April


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06.04.14 22:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: #gMen 3on3 World Cup » Matchlink
Manager: timbolina (Highadmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 25971
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 48


Gl GiZmO kARMA and eSaB xD
Canada can this be played at sunday the 6th? Around 21 CET?
get face and muscles nerd
how can you even talk with that dick in your mouth brah?:-? stfu kanker piece of shit! :)
defending your girlfriend well done m8
atleast i have one xDDDDD cu
atleast he got one. Btw me and Damon are in a relationship yes, problem officer?
are you guys trying to hurt my feelings cuz its working
You commenting here is even more nerd.
No. They have a match against nTerror at 21.30. 20.00? 19.00?
20.00 should be fine i guess!
I can't see why Canada would have a problem with that, so let's schedule it for then.
Can this be moved to 22:30/22:45 on sunday? If not, maybe an option saturday 20:00?
22:45 should be no problem.
ye idd, ET died since base is in team NL

sad story
Ahahahaha anim, why do you still play this????
gl karma gizmo & co
crono and 3on3, gl :D
he's beast :<
3o3's the hideout for scrubs technically so i should be good

idk why they always add me to LU tho
because you're gonna play, get on irc faggot
oh please Oli, you know you are not 3on3 player!
anim crono mky = win
DDoS mojego przeciwnika proszę są bandą pieprzonych CWELS
we probably can play later. not 20:00 cet. if one of team canada can pm me on irc (karma) plz do
gl NL boys :) and USA ofc
cu money, great gayming
You have € 250 on nl NED
Possible win: € 407.5

3:1 NL
no yukozz no win
You have € 1000 on nl NED
You won € 1630
Biggest nerds of Canada, still losing in video games