Poland vs Sweden (9106 views)

pl sw1ruz
pl upload
pl wassabi
se alexL
se NuggaN
se sAvage
#gMen 3on3 World Cup
Playoffs Final Series
Upper Bracket Quarter Final - Bo3
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Matchweek 2: 7-14 April

Matchlink: http://eu.cybergamer.com/match/503312/

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10.04.14 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: #gMen 3on3 World Cup » Matchlink
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: timbolina (Highadmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 39515
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 81


all in PL
Sure. 21 or 21:30 would be better but 22 should work as well.
but dont turn on this wallhack ok?:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
no chlopaki zrobcie show!
nice gayme
with lineups like these, it should be a rape by the swedes
yes because polaks legit
r u srs

this pl team have been raping in 3on3 with this lineup for like 2 years now, it won't be some easy game for swe. :D
well, i didnt follow the scene for a long time now, as i remembered these poles back in 2007-2k11 werent even close to the level of the swedes

tbh upload (sexupload) has been suspected of cheating for many years now. maybe not in 2007 because I don't rly remember him from that time but at least 2008+ he was a known name in the 3o3 scene. :P
He most definitely cheated during 2008-2011 or so. Only sometimes nowadays.
and with krychA like a boss

Krycha best ET player ever :)
well krycha actually got banned for that 2on2 match
guess we busted upload in 2007 or 2008
ot_logo, nothing impressive imo.
these wanabe killerboy everwhere
ahaahaha typical GTV only upload is rolling since 1945 man
gl both
You have € 160 on pl POL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 246.4

all in on azpili oh i mean sw1ruz
Please stop motivating polaks ladies & gentlemen. Sweden suck ass. Huge ass. 100% guaranteed rape victory by polaks. ET national sport of the polish kingdom. Poland huge favourite. RIP Sweden.
#I believe
You have € 80 on se SWE Cancel bet
Possible win: € 780
Should've asked jonas to play, with him it would have been easy.
ah gdzie te czasy ... wiesiek Robol l r1co wrobel kot frag steler....
Member Since 20th March 2014

tys kurwa widzial
gl nuggan ;)_
nuggan still beast?
no bitch pls
dobrze kurwa!
gettem wings
same haxy w Team Poland
nuggan gl! best aimer imo
4-2 Sweden, my choice
too bad that my Team Poland team can't spec this masterpiece, "the best aimers in poland" it's like specing polish "mAus when he's active"
hater : <?
why? that's the truth lol
specjalnie dla was przelozylismy na 22
ktos tu wymiekl w walce o viewsy loolol
jak bedziesz mial 3 gwiazdki to pogadamy loolol
pierwsze 3 gwiazdki w zyciu w meczu w 2014 roku najs xDDDD

jak bedziesz gral na swoim koncie team poland to pogadamy
fanatic ale ludzie ogladaja 6 tylko po to zeby sie powyzywac a 3 po to zeby ogladac jak sie banie bije...
moze, kim ja jestem zeby sie z toba klocic. ja tam ogladam swiruza zeby sie posmiac jak nic ciekawego nie leci w telewizji
to ale musisz miec zajebiste zycie XD
To widze dobre zycie jak nie ma nic w telewizji idziesz ogladac gierke xdd
kozackie zycie, nie ma nic lepszego niz spektowanie kazdego offi swiruza
no a jak nic na gamestv nie ma to otwiera piwko razem z grzeskiem na tsie i razem komentuja na crossfire
nom nasze ulubione zajecie, zaraz po spektowaniu polskich mausow
[13:13] <FERES> you're the only one that could rape me 1on1 ipod tbh
life is good

kill em upload ;)
clean gaming is clean
Viewer Peak: 81

well played, not so much from my side
You have € 10000 on pl POL
You won € 12100

In my lovly polaks I trust

Thanks to; plPatryk, plArek, pl Arnii
You have € 3 on pl POL
You won € 3.63

the come up