USA vs Canada (5526 views)

us detdet
us peaches
us vein
ca anim
ca monkey
ca Tomun
#gMen 3on3 World Cup
Playoffs Final Series
Lower Bracket Round 3 - Bo3
Make sure you register your team via THIS link, before playing!
Contact your opponent to set a date for the match and PM an admin in #gMen
Matchweek 4: 14-21 April


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21.04.14 00:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: #gMen 3on3 World Cup » Matchlink
Manager: timbolina (Highadmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 10992
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 25


et is live
easy for canada imo
gl guys
USA vs CAN match and i dont see 100+ comments of flame?`What the fuck guys?? seriously? crono? please?
crono too busy with real life
Valitettavasti minun neekeri, mutta siellä on vain rakkauden välillä Kanada ja USA

Eläköön fatcatt suurlähettiläs suomalainen yhteisö Tervehdin teitä HEIL

huomenna on syntymäpäivä minun veli loimu, että ruoho ja vetää perseet

neljä kaksikymmentä!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mene helposti sieniä
sandbag gonna bash
U$A #1
izibash for vein
You have € 4704 on ca CAN Cancel bet
Possible win: € 5033.28
you suck
I didn't bet on Canada because I saw your name in there, so don't be happy. In fact I hesitated before betting when I saw your name :D Then I'm like the rest seems pretty descent so..
2ez crono
glad usa put forth a solid team
so many eyes
can this be moved to after CORNERS vs THE BEST? it's agreed by both teams.
a 3on3 shouldnt take that long, and teams have 15 mins to play the first round after official start time. so 75 minutes isn't enough for a 2 map 3on3?
it's best to not say anything when you don't know anything, rather than look like an idiot. detdet won't be home until the CORNERS match.
good reply, love it.
wait can that be moved because vein is banned at the moment?
is monkey playing I need to know so I can make e-bank thanks
Rofl that dumpster trash anim lost a round. Typical low- behavior
monkey da best
You have € 4704 on ca CAN
You won € 5597.76