aevium vs nano-Krom (2033 views)

pl jiN
pl Kapla
pl nejm
md eujen
be xAeee
ro Stary
18.04.14 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: nerdbot (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 1703
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


You have € 100 on pl aevium Cancel bet
Possible win: € 190 in nejm i trust
omfg jin
2 Players not on AC (eujen and nejm) ohurcool do nothing
windows xp ,still not fixed.
+1 ohurcool bad admin
this shit doesnt work for xp
[20:18] <ohurcool> don't get mad at me cause you're using an outdated OS
[20:19] <ohurcool> microsoft doesn't even support your operating system any more
its a reason to not allow all xp users to play 11 years old game.
so why was it working before?
they updated it to reduce number of players in league, activity was too high for admins to handle it.
previous version has been working fine.
we already had no players , now we've less than no players

Good job , how can they be so stupid? really don't get it
we are stupid, we are using outdated os for this 11 yo game
fucking rules , go fuck urself all

ET still serious buisness in 2k14 when the community is dying.
Windows XP not working , cancelling the war while playing , idiots.
maybe do something with this anticheat instead of cancelin matches, how about this?
Yeah. I suggest right click->send to->recycle bin
Yeah right guys you canceled this game because you are afraid that nejm rolls you hard !