Saber vs craze (3598 views)

ca Tomun
ca CrimZoN
us ipod
nl Testi
fi Wrath
de Ava
18.04.14 23:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: Tomun (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 2312
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17


on wireless laser mouse, dont judge
gl ipod

not enough chin to deliver
Lowest match I've seen in awhile, ipod and tomun stop hunching over the keyboard when you play, it's effecting your game play
tell your girl to stop sucking my dick
All those hours of gaming you put in... got them raccoon eyes with a boulder on ya back
fucking beaner , tell your dad to get back and finish mowing my lawn
You probably got pillows on your computer chair so it doesn't hurt for all the hours you put into staring at a screen
i got pillows so your girl can rest her head on my leg while suck this dick
You're the type of nerd that the only pussy you was in is the one you came out of. you happy the internet got porn huh
nigga shut the fuck up and go fuck your dog in the ass some more, gay ass nigga
You the type of nerd who probably just sat in the chair all on a Friday night all night waiting for a reply, raccoon eyes
ah testi.. welcome to the club
lol go fuck ur dad in the ass again
this broke nigga phokus gets no say... still living in moms basement ass nigga, not even playing ET anymore ass nigga
Who are you? Ohh you one them nerds that hate from the distance, one them you know everybody but no one knows you type of nerd. you're the possum type, play all night sleep all day family wondering where you at type of nigga. Ask yoself who you mad at? Me or yourself?
crimzon bad
ava for da carry
ava love silent mod hihihihi
thats explains the low medic attitude h3h3
just get that offie vs intense for tomorrow, we will find a 6th, xx
yep im avi np
we have to find a 5th as well :/
die 2 lowsten sind so schonmal raus.. amzing.
das ist aber eine sehr infame und inadäquate aussage von dir. dass du symbol als low bezeichnest ist ja noch nachvollziehbar (:P), aber dass du so über wrath sprichst ... das hätte ich nicht erwartet
dazu fällt mir jetzt kein ad­äquater Konter ein. Der Punkt geht an dich :(
ipod doesnt do legs how do you expect to win