Canada vs USA (8258 views)

ca Tomun
ca anim
ca monkey
ca crono
ca rito
ca CrimZon
us Joker
us demented
us The_End
us detdet
us bape
us Ceres

Showmatch for the 6on6 NationsCup 2014
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Misc » Matchlink
Manager: foreigner (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 22674
The bets are closed.

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View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English

Viewer Peak: 13

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 39

Overall Viewerpeak: 52


anim playing for both teams at the same time
USA #1

You have € 10 on us USA Cancel bet
Possible win: € 333.6
You have € 20 on us USA Cancel bet
Possible win: € 715.6

they gonna win cuz no vein in lu
You have € 5597 on ca CAN Cancel bet
Possible win: € 8339.53

gl ipod! oh wait...:S
no ipod?????????????????? ??????
move this 2 9pm
I'm not home so I can't ask - Canada agreed to it?
I told anim, he told me to tell tomun but hes not going to respond to me lol ,

edit / if not we can move it to next week its whatever
should be fine for us
Moved it then. Post scores here and I'll enter them.
can't see ohurcool in the roster, is it a 2nd squad?
This Canada and all their showmatches
Ceres called out of work to play tonight to take that L from tomun
gl Crono cwel:XD
twoja stara cwelu :XD
no rockstAr --------------> izi for detdet
No ipod no win =.='
Tomun handing out L's
smack cam
Lmaoooo this nigga trance
nigga always stealing someone elses shit
haha quoi qui se passe trance face de singe
rien de nouveau fds, et toi?
You have € 5597 on ca CAN
You won € 7611.92
oh my
wp tomun,crono<3
U$A #1
sandbag, why carry boulders by yourself? i feel your pain.