TEAMFLESHLIGHT vs One Way (2250 views)

be ChilAx
be prick
de kitt
hu hillsong
28.04.14 16:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 2on2 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: ChilAx. (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 784
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


kitt.. wanna play with me? Piazza too high
i dont steal spots h3h3
:DD! but this will be the match 4-0 for ===3 :(
too bad im making food atm but i cant wait to watch it :)
dont take kitt :( i hate him <3<3<3<3
who is prick btw?
All enemy hates him.. too good...
Im low np
Piazza poke+/low-
the difference is that you didnt play with piazza :)
he did on the first round (Attack)?
yeah, but thats the easyst thing on supply, that defence, i'm sure we would fh'd them with you also :D
0 kill :D
gl chillax
GL flesh :p
Ez egy remek meccs volt!
Főleg hogy törölték! Rohadt adminok.. Mert a CGAC nem működik nem a mi hibánk... De azér adjuk az ellenségnek a győzelmet 3-1 re Szép volt.. Köszi CGAC
You have € 10 on eu 1|
You won € 522.7

kitt = win
now i have to learn how to shoot on deli :(
we know :D
too bad hillsong wasn't on cgac. cya
welja, we outdamageden ze zo hard :p maar alles sloeg tegen op deli, en we spelen ook clean dus
Prick jonge, je hebt geluk datk geen geld op u heb staan :D
as we nu tege die hunne eerste lineup hadde gespeeld e..
nächster unexpected win für kitti kat :D
der edle retter ist immer zur stelle, wenn es eng wird h3h3
getting cancelled :P
Kitt = low brain = lost
what you talking about mr haxor?
why did u cancel it
hillsong ignoring the cgac rule
requested by TEAMFLESHLIGHT, hillsong was not using CGAC
Not working on Win XP.Many times I asked the admins, what should I do?They said:"Working on it"..I do not think that this depended..Hillsong only played 1 swap.Best AC in the world -.-" Thanks you CG
i am an XP user also and still waiting
just need to be patient or update this 13 yo OS
sorry guys for not getting the win, wp anyways