United Kingdom vs Finland (16236 views)

gb R0SS
gb razz
gb sqzz
fi Statti
fi Swanidius
fi vokki
#gMen 3on3 World Cup
Playoffs Final Series
Lower Bracket Round 7 - Bo3
Contact your opponent to set a date for the match and PM an admin in #gMen
Matchweek 7: 5 - 12 May

Matchlink: http://eu.cybergamer.com/match/509873/

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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: #gMen 3on3 World Cup » Matchlink
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: timbolina (Highadmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 114136
The bets are closed.

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Language: English

Viewer Peak: 31

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 83

Overall Viewerpeak: 114


You have € 500 on fi FIN
Possible win: € 880
sqzz :(
Probably wont be played today.
omfg i wait for this event whole week wtf?
omg swani omg
gwan lads
in sqzz i believe
Rescheduled due to UK not being able to field a line-up for tonight
so maybe cancel it? i want my money
any 1 streaming this?
You have € 28 on fi FIN
Possible win: € 262.08
fucking amazing timing for broken PC
who to spectate?
man u post that gif every gtv match? ROFL
gg swani lower bracket
gg i broke my graphic card last week :<
now i have just been chilling in sun. I burned my chest no sun lotion gg
I hope my new gc arrives today

edit: lol the exact moment i wrote this i got message that it is ready to pick up :_DDDDD
0/10 no sun in finland

sup biiiiitch!
wont be played today
avi /msg
Wednesday 22.30 then?
Sqzz isnt avi on wednesdays but ill ask him because i think he could maybe make it if it was that late
sqzz has not played any game with you in WC, so why would you need him now? =)
sqzz was meant to play every match.. :P the only reason either of me or jam played in the previous matches is because sqzz said he couldn't make it.
GL Sqzz
Ty nie potrafisz pisac w jednym poscie?
A co cię to interesuje :D Widac typowy z ciebie Polak , upierdliwosc to nasza cecha narodowa
OMG cRe swani vs cRe incoming

nice stab

btw: dat XP swani <3
21.05 23:30 United Kingdom gb 1.34 vs. 3.93 fi Finland 55,000 € on gb UK Lost

and i though u said u bet on us always gg nice trust
someone plz fix my mouse im never playing et again with 125 hz :\
ive got windows 7 but nuthing fucking works..
http://www.twitch.tv/yjzz/c/4300302 VOD with cast by rito
You have € 250 on fi FIN
You won € 982.5

You have € 2000 on fi FIN
You won € 7860
beating huHungary boosted their skills too much http://www.gamestv.org/event/47695-hungary-vs-finland/

gg gg
You have € 1000 on fi FIN
You won € 3930
what the hell is this
You have € 50 on fi FIN
You won € 196.5
swani du kacke :D
izi money
You have € 20 on fi FIN
You won € 78.6
oK swani
You have € 300 on fi FIN
You won € 1179
thx swanidius
You have € 500 on fi FIN
You won € 1965