Team-Visual vs credibilis. (3882 views)

nl iNsAne
de scOw
nl GiZmoOo
de Oxy
de s1LENT
06.05.14 21:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: sMO (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Pot: € 12415
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 29


avi to replace kresti m8
how many games did u play without cheaters, gizmo? :'D
ye gizmo, how many?:S
cant count them anymore
its not that hard. 5? or even less?
cant remember u playing without shnz, excite, nazty, supna, damon, other romanians,base, insane or scow.
You have € 250 on eu visual
Possible win: € 1102.5

always bet on the team gizmo is playing in because guaranteed 2 cheaters are playing
You have € 20 on eu visual
Possible win: € 88.2

cheaterlover in tha house
i blame cResti for lettimg me play vS cheaters. will be fun
yo friend gl
haha :{D
go play with upload lol
dat burn
ye cause upload was busted multiple times like these guys :))) heheeee
when exactly:O cg ban wave #1
show me my ban! :D
needs more gr0ss
phoning a bit, suddenly offi on gtv and replaced :(
You have € 100 on eu visual
You won € 441

You have € 250 on eu visual
You won € 1102.5

i giggled
silent kurwa co to
gg silent :s
trzeba pomocy hähä
no ode mnie haxow nie bierz lepiej xD pierwsze lepsze staly sie wykrywalne jak widac
wp gizmo brah <3
cu mitja happy full xD
Still don't get why you're playing against recent busted players
who is busted recently?:o
Find yourself a decent team and stop playing with cheaters instead if you so claim to be clean and skilled :S
he is mental
de s1LENT Tuesday, 6th May 2014 21:36
i blame cResti for lettimg me play vS cheaters. will be fun
scheiß live
haha kenne das fühl :D jetzt fühl ich mich gleich weniger scheisse