bigger than jesus vs huan (4917 views)

is phyzic
nl hekket
fi webe
de opferklaus
de syneQ
de yuzoK
08.05.14 01:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: sunnz0r (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 14000
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 7


opferklaus, syneQ and yuzoK ..most famous players EUW!
You have € 50 on de huan
Possible win: € 1226.5
hvað ertu að innleiða eikkverja ógeðslega rakka inní gull okkar Íslendinga drengmannskoti!
hvað ertu að innleiða eikkverja ógeðslega rakka inní gull okkar Íslendinga drengmannskoti!
hvað ertu að innleiða eikkverja ógeðslega rakka inní gull okkar Íslendinga drengmannskoti!
hahahhaha :D jEzt0r_ mad cause i cant be arsed playing with him cause he cant handle the skill level.
why you stab him :( teach him fysik mate!
given up all hopes on him ever being somewhat decent, im not asking much if he'd get around razz´s level id be happy to play with him
haha :D wp anyway sir enjoyed!
Vargur very guuut player!
no jEzt0rr ist mad cuz fysik is a newb IRL and using bestest clantag! but seems like Webe played very gut there! and tekoa
What are implementing some disgusting males in our gold Icelandic boy shot man!
no i actually said why r you implementing some disgusting dogs in our golden Icelandic awesomeness u satanic man! but it was obviously just a joke
Yeah the straight up Google translate was that ^ :p