Sweden vs Australia (5664 views)

se alexL
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se NuggaN
se Tites
se savage
se tornis
au dongo
au Im_Constructing
au MiDAS
au Pedro
au riCo
au volta

6on6 NationsCup 2014
Lower Bracket round 2

#LIKEABOSS - Brackets - Rules
18.05.14 17:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ET 6on6 NationsCup 2014 » Matchlink
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: ChilAx. (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 14800
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


Well you gave the forfeit for that game yesterday, dunno if you wanna play this?

You were eliminated from the Upper Bracket (since you get the forfeit win vs Romania). So Australia is still in the Lower Brackets
you forfeited the ashes? really?
From upper bracket
Kan lira om de behövs :)
gl savage + midas
no replicator no win
LOL :D did he cheat?
i dont even know what that means man xDDD if that is cheat this guy wrote my nick WRONG it is jEzt0rr not jEztoR or w/e he wrote ! + http://yawn.be/v2/player/pbguid/857b952c?d-446871-p=1 :D u failed!
haha siggi húfa að svindla sem þú eða hver er þetta? pólska rottan kannski?
hahah nice fail man
etpro guid spoofed (|-|aimer and enErgizer lack an etpro guid at all) + fake nick = fuck'd
Tornis (or someone of Sweden???) & MiDAS please contact eachother or me, thanks!
No Weslann nothing to watch.
Autofill, don't know who'll play.
gl tites
Is this the scheduled time? If so SWE get to play at 4pm Sunday whilst AUS have to play 1am Monday?

Seems fair.
Would help if MiDAS contact me ;) So yes i'm scheduling it on that time since tornis gave me his able days/times (and that was yesterday/today or sunday somwhere around 17cet or later)
it is pretty standard for matches between 23:00 and 01:00 (e.g. norway game was 00:00). Pretty lucky to get anything earlier.
Can't be that hard to play around 1-2pm or even late morning on a Sunday =/ You'd think as it's a NC each team would make an effort (apparently not ours :P) to schedule a time that is fair for both of them. Oh well.
are dongo and hammer playing?
Ask captain MiDAS. Doubt it.
You are now captain!
Uh ok =/ You or anyone from the current lineup going to play?
Not sure ask them! Im busy though soz brah
most swedes are usually modelling underwear in the countryside around those times though (so I hear).
:D If midas is actually out are you keen to play Sunday night? Will try and bring it forward a couple of hours. If we can't then I doubt there will be a team anyway.
Nah probably not, just moved and only have bad wireless like dongo, skill boost incoming
hahaha no worries :P
gLuck savage & alexL
go aussies! my 10 euros are on you

edit: anyway no Forty no party ;D
Gl savage, alexL:-)
lycka till tjejer!
tornis reply to PM on crossfire plz, been 2 days!
/q NgN or #wings.et
Had pmed nuggan, wings is empty :(
Forfeit win for SWE, AUS can't get 6 players on time.
Not exactly true :P We can but apparently it's too early.

GL Sweden.
AUS can't get 6 playerson time.
AUS can't get 6 playersonatareasonably time.
Sweden pm so we can fix a date to play (team belgium) !