Finland vs France (6914 views)

fi Statti
fi Swanidius
fi vokki
fr Bowler
fr didi
fr KareN
#gMen 3on3 World Cup
Playoffs Final Series
Lower Bracket Final - Bo3
Contact your opponent to set a date for the match and PM an admin in #gMen
Matchweek 8: 22 - 29 May


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26.05.14 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: #gMen 3on3 World Cup » Matchlink
Manager: timbolina (Highadmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 38415
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 57


GL fra !
allé lé cop1
will be played tomorow 22:15
You have € 1000 on fr FRA Cancel bet
Possible win: € 3110
Et ben elle est jolie la team fra cette année...
*essaie de foutre la merde*
gl phra !
You have € 77 on fr FRA Cancel bet
Possible win: € 361.13
good luck from catinahat Swani! may the jumpingforce be with you!
gg swani lower bracket, gg
holy fuck what a game:D
That game :D Well played
was a pleasure to entertain nerds in ettv stadium
ggs , was fun =)
unfair to lose money on this tough one
Nice game, vokki had to wake up at 4am that's why we let them win
Is this Roland Garros ?
On a perdu le 1er set !
:DDDDD Yes this is
you're still playing DB ?
Ye, started again last weekend
Nice :D
its better than last time
Yeah invi told me that too. I'll start playing again when I'm back at home tomorrow :)

We are already 5/6 sticked playing it, gonna start praccing soon haha :D
is it still too heavy for what it looks like? or is it decent now?
Its heavy yes. dont expect to get 100+ fps in 6v6 public
Dragon Ball?? :)
Bo5 like timbo wanted
y'a eu du fulldef dans l'air !
On te revoit quand ?!