Malibu vs randomZ (4366 views)

nl kApot
nl outlAw
nl iNsAne
nl Aie
de infAmous
de scOw
gb Williams
de mental
de stownage
de cashy
nl aphesia
be ViKO
26.05.14 23:00 CEST
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth mAlibu outlAw 154 kills
Killing Spree mAlibu outlAw 9 frags without being killed
Accountant mAlibu outlAw 132% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! randomZ aea 41 gibs
...and stay dead! randomZ stownage 40% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning mAlibu outlAw 119 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! randomZ mental 43 SPAM kills
Fragstealer mAlibu outlAw 144 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! randomZ.ViKO 258 damage per frag
What objective? mAlibu outlAw 738 XP
Red Shirt randomZ mental 134 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? ^WmAlibu ^WinfAmous 21 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore mAlibu Aie 183 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut randomZ stownage 7 team kills
Gingerbread man mAlibu kApot:] 33 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
randomZ stownage795888310433171615656153007641/06/1064/5819/1818914678
randomZ mental7450510113426262117458160809801/033/925/8743/1317311848
randomZ aea99573117116412419209191583311631/02/889/8029/1517913465
mAlibu kApot:]743517910515253310669107735300/034/65/4241/2513510157
^WmAlibu ^WinfAmous54430641187012411109150793110/11/951/616/21174128421
mAlibu Aie97567909321071714497147675230/13/979/456/2216115968
mAlibu insAne704798912513262317687184166540/01/1280/697/21199145511
mAlibu outlAw13273815411731032822805190773170/114/9119/5423/2114816395
mAlibu scow9659110510930063217025159016450/02/595/5614/1616214666
mAlibu 873156581667117428157937929401329800/055/5429/5697/16163140610
Player Summary for Karsiah_te2
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
randomZ stownage45561022600322402310820/00/30/1110/4/DDDDDKDDK/DDDDDKDDDD/KKKKDKDDKKX
randomZ mental691231826200137314872930/00/318/160/2KDKDDDKKDKDDKDDDKKDDKDDKKDKKKDDDDKDKDDK/DDKD
randomZ aea1171212017500434352969180/02/217/101/1//DDK/DKDKDKDKK/DDKKDKKKDKKDDKKKKKKDK
mAlibu kApot:]11481242160083022208100/012/20/712/5K/KKKDKKDKDK/KDKDKK/DKKK/KKDKDDK/KKX/DD/DKKK/D
^WmAlibu ^WinfAmous666116241016232622851130/00/010/152/3/TDD/DDDD//KDKDKD/DDDKKDDDKKKK/DKKDKKKDKK
mAlibu Aie1691252213700438802100360/00/016/52/4KKKK/KKKKD/KKKDKKKKKKDKDKDDKK/DDK/D
mAlibu insAne569113232007342029311060/00/113/120/4D/DKK/K//KD/DK/DKKDDDDKDK/DXDDKKDDKKD
mAlibu outlAw1231352621201745273434440/02/121/94/4D/DD/KKKKDKKDKKK/KDDKKKKKD/KDDKK/KKK/TDKKDKK/DKD
mAlibu scow1351542720101840932864160/01/126/101/2DXKK/KKK/KKDK//K/KK/KDKK/KDKKDKKDDKK/KTKKDDKDKDDK
mAlibu 11164712812219034021268156953150/015/586/5821/22

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
randomZ stownage443249120028831088760/01/13/60/0/KDD/DKDKDDKD
randomZ mental583171210031606120500/01/00/86/1/K/KDDKKK/KDDKDDDDD
randomZ aea373638200111911279360/00/13/60/1DDDKDX/KDKDD
mAlibu kApot:]572447100276077600/01/00/33/1DK//DKDDKKD
^WmAlibu ^WinfAmous44184910026351393360/00/04/40/3KDKD/KDD/DDKD
mAlibu Aie25049520000657665720/00/05/20/0DKKKKDK
mAlibu insAne723981111151317140030/00/09/30/2KD/KD/SD/KDKKDKKTK//
mAlibu outlAw24280177300220491399180/02/215/10/1K/KDKK/KDKDDKKKKKKKKKDKK
mAlibu scow504936300211151144360/00/03/30/1/DD/DKKXKD
mAlibu 119259414291113653367771650/03/236/163/8
Player Summary for supply
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
randomZ stownage8417521253035445543171591/02/218/163/3KDKKKDDK/K/K/K/DKKDKDKDDXKDDDDKDTDDKDKTKTDDKDKKK/D
mAlibu kApot:]345310290125179631201770/06/00/156/7KDTDD//D/KDDK/DDTDSKKDDDDD/DKDDDDDKDKXKKDD
^WmAlibu ^WinfAmous20101630000219253286720/10/34/141/8D/DKDDKDKDKDDD/DDDDDDDDDXDDDDDDDKDKDD
mAlibu Aie8012120255013301345001110/12/218/121/6KDKDDDKDKKDKK/DDDDKK/KDKDDDDKDKDKDDK/KDKKDTKDK
mAlibu scow721222129601832495103670/00/219/133/6/KDKD/KDDKDTDD/KDKDK//DK/DKDK/KKKDDDKDKKDDX/DDKKDKKK
mAlibu 6167111218222182219198272077630/29/1691/9419/44

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
randomZ stownage9215723257032378642803080/01/322/133/8K//KDKDDKDKDKDKKDDDDDDDTKDKDDKDKTKDKKXDDKDXKKTKDKKDKK
randomZ mental5067183610138282338291911/012/20/248/3KD/DKD/KK/DDDDKDDKT/KD/DDDDXDK/XKDKDKKXTK/DDKDKDKD/DDKKDSTDD
mAlibu kApot:]11183292650214315220563270/012/00/718/8XK/KD/KDKK/KKK/DKKXDKD////TKDKDKKK/K//KK/KXKKD/KKDKT/KKDKKDD
^WmAlibu ^WinfAmous681392029400833014532360/01/416/143/5/K/KK//D///DDKKKDDKK/DKDDDKKXDDKDKDKKDDDKDKXKDDDKKD
mAlibu insAne6810920293125468741642060/00/416/143/5/K/DDDD/DKDDKKDDDDK/KK/DTDDKDDDKKDKKTDKDKKDKDSKKKDK
mAlibu outlAw160204402590111617636071290/13/130/98/3KK//KKK/K/KKK/KKXDKKDKXDDDKD/KK/KKKKDK/KKKK//KDDKKTDKKKDDKKKDK/KKKKD
mAlibu 1017791641644011351257632084413600/116/15110/7642/31
Player Summary for radar
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
randomZ stownage758512162111177922221210/01/110/92/2DKKDDKTXKDKKDDDKDKDKDD/DKDKSK
randomZ mental506411220011171324191050/04/24/164/2KDD/KKKDDDDDKDKDKDDTDDKDKKDDKDDDD
randomZ aea52551019100025242933180/00/110/160/2DDKDDDKXKDKDDKDDDDDKDDKKDKDDDK
mAlibu kApot:]706471031021257102300/02/22/32/2/DK/DDKSKKKDDDKKD
^WmAlibu ^WinfAmous100801313000422182008540/00/112/80/0KDKDKKDKDD//KDKD/KKD/KKKD
mAlibu Aie130901713300324281961360/00/216/71/1DKDKDK/KDKK/DKKKDKKK/KDKKKDDKD
mAlibu insAne105691817300327792179580/01/313/100/1K/KK/KDKKDDKKDKDDDKDDKDKKKKDDKKKD/D
mAlibu outlAw1811042011500328002359180/04/011/64/2/KKDDD/KDKKKKDKKKKKKDKDKKK/KKD
mAlibu scow127911411200522131514680/00/113/31/1/KKK/KK/K/KD/DDKKKDKDKKK
mAlibu 119498897516102013695110442340/07/967/378/7

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
randomZ stownage18583137300325131083180/01/011/31/1KK/KDDK/KKK/KKKKKKDD
randomZ mental1718612750012214853670/02/13/55/0KDKKD/KKKKDKKDKKKDD
randomZ aea116581412300320711549540/00/013/81/1/KKDK/DKKKKDKK/DKDDKKDKDKD
mAlibu kApot:]414651200126821717260/01/23/70/2KXDDXDKDTK/DDKDDDK/D
^WmAlibu ^WinfAmous38315131002704157500/00/15/60/2DKDDDDKDX/K/KDDDKDD
mAlibu Aie2664415102310292017480/01/04/51/5K/TDKDTDDDDD/DDKDD/DK
mAlibu insAne505161210011182213400/00/06/100/0KDKD/DKKDKDDDDDDDK
mAlibu outlAw117612017400323402688530/02/015/93/3KDKDK/KDK/DDDKDDKKDKKDKDKDDKDKKK/KKKK
mAlibu scow5349713400013982315160/01/06/90/2KDDDKDDKDDDDDKDKDKKD
mAlibu 5430247821103117335124461430/05/339/464/14

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: EC GIB
randomZ mental [Warmup]: :D
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: i can sing for your stream
randomZWilliams [Warmup]: i heard that you want to become like the cowboy from ymca???
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: ts ip?
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: There would be massive suicide then
randomZ mental [Warmup]: lets start
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: ihr solltet mit thomas spielen, wegen dieser carry sache :P
^WmAlibu ^WinfAmous [Warmup]: rup
randomZ stownage [Countdown]: ach keine lust in immer zu carrien
randomZ mental [Countdown]: brauchen wir nicht
[Countdown]: Vote FAILED! (Start Match )
randomZ.NEEDLE [Countdown]: shoutout to all reviving medics <3
randomZ.ViKO [Countdown]: gl
randomZ.NEEDLE [Countdown]: and jizztor
randomZ.NEEDLE [7:55]: xddd
[7:45]: Allies capture the Old City!
randomZ.NEEDLE [7:04]: EC GIB
[6:58]: Allies have captured the Old City!
[6:58]: Allies have destroyed the Old City Door!
randomZ.NEEDLE [6:36]: this williams
randomZ.NEEDLE [3:51]: EC GIB
randomZ mental [2:36]: why ppl play this map in a mix :D
[1:44]: Allies have transmitted the North Documents!
mAlibu kApot:] [0:11]: WP
randomZ mental [0:06]: wp? :D
mAlibu insAne [0:02]: {:}
mAlibu kApot:] [0:00]: :D
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 12:00
mAlibu outlAw [Intermission]: gg
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: ReAdy.
randomZ.ViKO [Warmup]: brb fixing inet
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: ReAdy.
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: :D
mAlibu insAne [Warmup]: where did he go
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: :D
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: who had more revives than me?
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: if you think Williams is carrying press f3
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: NotReAdy.
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: ReAdy.
randomZ mental [Warmup]: sec
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: 6th coming?
randomZ mental [Warmup]: ok
mAlibu outlAw [Warmup]: brb gonna play aram
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: brb gonna care
randomZ mental [Warmup]: brb getting kresti
mAlibu outlAw [Warmup]: no ref power here
randomZ.ViKO [Warmup]: gl anyway
randomZ mental [Warmup]: geht nicht?
randomZ mental [Warmup]: man hört dich nicht
randomZ.ViKO [Warmup]: lags alltime, inet fucked up :(
randomZ.ViKO [Warmup]: ne bin timed out geht irgendwie nicht so ganz :D aber wie gesagt gl
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: unstable 80fps shit 6mb internet, come in and paly mate
randomZ mental [Warmup]: hmm ok ty..
randomZ.ViKO [Warmup]: np
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: I will keep you alive
mAlibu insAne [Warmup]: hop in
randomZ mental [Warmup]: he cant play, lagging
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: ok
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: ok just go in
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: and rup
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: stay in spawn
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: nice life
mAlibu outlAw [Warmup]: they have a nice word for it
mAlibu outlAw [Warmup]: it starts with a F
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: Get out of my pub
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: my 2mb connection > all
randomZ stownage [Warmup]: hört sich nach harz4 an :D
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: ne
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: dorf
randomZ stownage [Warmup]: noch schlimmer
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: mehr als 2 aufgrund der leitungen nicht möglich :(
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: aber auf handy läuft lte... -.-
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: dreckschwein go in
mAlibu outlAw [Warmup]: :D
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: aufmachen
mAlibu insAne [Warmup]: hurry the fuck up retard
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: Wanna still have pub where you can play?
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: Shut up then
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: quickly
mAlibu insAne [Warmup]: {:}
mAlibu insAne [Warmup]: {:}
mAlibu insAne [Warmup]: {:}
mAlibu insAne [Warmup]: {:}
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: idc
randomZWilliams [Warmup]: cashy joining?
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: Kapot is like idc, but when someone kicks him he whines at irc
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: :(
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: ofc
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: kicking without reason
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: nice admins
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: There is a certain reason
^WmAlibu ^WinfAmous [Warmup]: go in
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: tell me
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: bobika stop talking
mAlibu outlAw [Warmup]: ur blacklist
mAlibu outlAw [Warmup]: or what
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: useless crap
mAlibu outlAw [Warmup]: i bet its pubert
mAlibu outlAw [Warmup]: y
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: You're the only bunch of faggots who gets kicked by someone else then me
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: XD
randomZ stownage [Warmup]: :p
^WmAlibu ^WinfAmous [Warmup]: gotta go to bed soon
^WmAlibu ^WinfAmous [Warmup]: lets go
mAlibu outlAw [Warmup]: poesje
randomZ mental [Warmup]: i am searching
randomZ mental [Warmup]: / asking
^WmAlibu ^WinfAmous [Warmup]: ey die zijn lief
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: i got one for you
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: meijer
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: take him
mAlibu outlAw [Warmup]: :D
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: :D
mAlibu insAne [Warmup]: {:}
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: stroh is avi
mAlibu insAne [Warmup]: {:}
mAlibu insAne [Warmup]: {:}
mAlibu insAne [Warmup]: {:}
mAlibu insAne [Warmup]: {:}
mAlibu insAne [Warmup]: go on gtv prolly speccing
randomZ mental [Warmup]: got one
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: who
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: so i can add him on gtv
randomZ mental [Warmup]: Kevji will play rifle
^WmAlibu ^WinfAmous [Warmup]: :D
randomZ mental [Warmup]: joke, ViKO be
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: sure
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: krijg de kanker maar
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: lets go
randomZ mental [Warmup]: ok
randomZ mental [Warmup]: jij bent een echter homo
randomZ mental [Warmup]: dikke nacher
randomZ mental [Warmup]: kanker op
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: learn to speak English
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: ReAdy.
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: alter leute
randomZ mental [Warmup]: v14
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: seid ihr zu dumm um nen sechten ran zu kriegen?
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: mach hin oder forfeit, easy
randomZ mental [Warmup]: oha
randomZ mental [Warmup]: bist du zu dumm um spaß am spiel zu haben oder ist es ein ernstes spiel für dich?
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: ich ficke deine mutti um die ecke
mAlibu outlAw [Warmup]: :D
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: ich hab kb die halbe nacht bei sonem unsinnig lowen spiel zu verbringen
randomZ mental [Warmup]: hahahaha
randomZ mental [Warmup]: wenn du nicht hier wärst, würdest du 3on3 spielen
randomZ stownage [Warmup]: dann hätteste nicht anfangen sollen et zu spielen :D
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: mental du kacke
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: ne
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: ich wollte eig nicht
mAlibu outlAw [Warmup]: missgebürt
randomZ stownage [Warmup]: ich auch nicht :D
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: ReAdy.
mAlibu insAne [Warmup]: join in vikodin and rup
mAlibu outlAw [Warmup]: hala
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: :D
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: :D
mAlibu outlAw [Warmup]: :D
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: da hättet ihr lieber cashy behalten sollen :XD
mAlibu outlAw [Warmup]: vooral scow
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: volgende keer winnen de joden
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: xD
mAlibu insAne [Countdown]: brb dinner
[11:06]: Allies capture the Old City!
[11:04]: Axis reclaimed the Old City!
[10:57]: Allies capture the Old City!
[10:29]: Allies have destroyed the Old City Door!
[10:29]: Allies have captured the Old City!
mAlibu kApot:] [10:29]: :D
mAlibu kApot:] [10:23]: :D
mAlibu insAne [10:22]: {:}
mAlibu insAne [10:21]: :)
[8:24]: Match is PAUSED! (Allies)
[8:24]: Match resuming in 225 seconds!
randomZ.NEEDLE [8:24]: gg
randomZ.NEEDLE [8:24]: xd
[8:24]: Match resuming in 210 seconds!
[8:24]: Match resuming in 195 seconds!
[8:24]: Match resuming in 180 seconds!
[8:24]: Match resuming in 165 seconds!
[8:24]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[8:24]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[8:24]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[8:24]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[8:24]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[8:24]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[8:24]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[8:24]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[8:24]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[8:24]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[8:24]: FIGHT!
randomZ.NEEDLE [8:15]: EC GIB
[8:12]: Allies have transmitted the North Documents!
[7:34]: Allies have transmitted both Documents!
[7:34]: Allies have transmitted the South Documents!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 4:26 (original: 12:00)
mAlibu kApot:] [Intermission]: gg
mAlibu scow [Intermission]: und dafür warten wir solange?
mAlibu insAne [Intermission]: wasnt worth searching the sixth
randomZ mental [Intermission]: hahahaha
mAlibu scow [Intermission]: jetzt checkst dus vllt mental
randomZ mental [Intermission]: nice ego
mAlibu outlAw [Intermission]: shots fired
mAlibu scow [Intermission]: langweiliger shice
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: ReAdy.
mAlibu insAne [Warmup]: aids?
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: rup is aids kind
[14:43]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[14:37]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[14:34]: The Axis have captured the forward bunker!
[14:27]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
mAlibu kApot:] [14:05]: :D
mAlibu kApot:] [14:04]: :D
[14:00]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[13:29]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
[12:41]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
mAlibu Aie [12:36]: hahaha
mAlibu Aie [12:31]: stabbed at zeh internet
mAlibu outlAw [12:28]: :D
[12:18]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[11:40]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[11:30]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[11:27]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
[11:19]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
mAlibu kApot:] [11:06]: :D
mAlibu outlAw [10:32]: :D
[10:31]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
mAlibu outlAw [10:30]: let me jump
[9:40]: The Allies have breached the Depot's west wall!
mAlibu outlAw [9:29]: :D
mAlibu outlAw [9:29]: :D
mAlibu outlAw [9:28]: :D
[7:53]: The Allied Truck is in position!
mAlibu kApot:] [7:43]: :D
[6:40]: Match is PAUSED! (Axis)
randomZ.NEEDLE [6:40]: EC GIB
[6:40]: Match resuming in 225 seconds!
mAlibu Aie [6:40]: vent moet je die insuline spuit weer in je reet steken
mAlibu Aie [6:40]: autist
randomZ mental [6:40]: shut up retard
[6:40]: Match resuming in 210 seconds!
mAlibu Aie [6:40]: je kanker moeder
mAlibu kApot:] [6:40]: XD
randomZ mental [6:40]: same
mAlibu kApot:] [6:40]: Aie: help me dan zwemmels
mAlibu Aie [6:40]: yes same
mAlibu kApot:] [6:40]: amaze: ik ga straks echt iemand vermoorden hoor
mAlibu outlAw [6:40]: kApot: kanker school
mAlibu kApot:] [6:40]: XD
[6:40]: Match resuming in 195 seconds!
mAlibu outlAw [6:40]: Efax: LETS BO GOYS
mAlibu outlAw [6:40]: Efax: LETS BO GOYS
mAlibu outlAw [6:40]: Efax: LETS BO GOYS
mAlibu outlAw [6:40]: Efax: LETS BO GOYS
mAlibu outlAw [6:40]: Efax: LETS BO GOYS
mAlibu kApot:] [6:40]: Aie: help me dan zwemmels
mAlibu kApot:] [6:40]: amaze: ik ga straks echt iemand vermoorden hoor
mAlibu kApot:] [6:40]: shoutout catinahat leaders
mAlibu Aie [6:40]: mental
[6:40]: Match resuming in 180 seconds!
mAlibu kApot:] [6:40]: :))))
[6:40]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
mAlibu Aie [6:40]: ga je pik wassen
[6:40]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[6:40]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[6:40]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
mAlibu scow [6:40]: shoutout insane!
[6:40]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
mAlibu outlAw [6:40]: kApot: oh jonges ik kreeg het heet toen ik hem erin stak
randomZ mental [6:40]: k
[6:40]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[6:40]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[6:40]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[6:40]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[6:40]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[6:40]: FIGHT!
mAlibu kApot:] [6:04]: :D
[2:47]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
[2:14]: The Allies have activated the crane!
[2:01]: The Crane Controls have been destroyed.
[2:00]: The Allies have loaded the Gold Crate onto the Truck!
randomZ mental [0:18]: gg
[0:03]: The Allies have escaped with the Gold Crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 14:56
mAlibu outlAw [Intermission]: gg
randomZ.NEEDLE [Intermission]: medic ownage
randomZ mental [Intermission]: wp team germany scow
randomZ mental [Warmup]: shots fired
mAlibu outlAw [Warmup]: do we go down that road?
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: EC GIB
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: EC GIB
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: EC GIB
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: EC GIB
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: EC GIB
mAlibu insAne [Warmup]: SCOW > team ger
mAlibu insAne [Warmup]: rifle fired
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: down that road
randomZ.ViKO [Warmup]: D
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: down syndrom
randomZ mental [Warmup]: aie you have torett?
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: actually i did pretty often but idc
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: yes
randomZ mental [Warmup]: ok
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: i als ohave torrent
randomZ mental [Warmup]: xD
randomZ mental [Warmup]: good one, shots fired
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: wisst ihr was?
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: ich brauch 5 mins, erstmal ganz gemütlich rauchen
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: ok pizza brb 15 mins
mAlibu insAne [Warmup]: dinner brb
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: showerfuck brb
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: NotReAdy.
randomZ.ViKO [Warmup]: aka kApot yelling at his mom about bed time
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: NotReAdy.
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: EC GIB
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: grapjas
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: blijf in je eigen land
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: kut belg
randomZ.ViKO [Warmup]: graag
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: haha
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: vuile stinkert
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: nee grapje
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: xD
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: I should be given half of aphesia's dmg for them revives
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: :<
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: XD
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: sup?
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: :D
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: :D
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: ReAdy.
randomZ mental [Warmup]: outlaw,you are in bronze?
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: plat 2
randomZ mental [Warmup]: ouuuhh ok
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: and you
randomZ mental [Warmup]: dia 2
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: nice
randomZ mental [Warmup]: joke.
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: if you're not lieing
randomZWilliams [Warmup]: what are we waiting for?
randomZ mental [Warmup]: :D
randomZ mental [Warmup]: plat 4
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: hmm ok
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: were smokin
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: 1 is takin shower
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: who else is playing lol here
randomZWilliams [Warmup]: your not old enough to smoke
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: and insane eating
mAlibu insAne [Warmup]: dinner to be exact
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: will take like 20 minutes
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: mental how long you play
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: which season
randomZWilliams [Warmup]: i play lol
randomZ mental [Warmup]: :D
randomZWilliams [Warmup]: we need a support and jungler for team
randomZWilliams [Warmup]: right now
randomZWilliams [Warmup]: to replace two
randomZ mental [Warmup]: well like 3 years orso, last season gold
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: hmm ok
randomZ mental [Warmup]: hmm yes
randomZ mental [Warmup]: and you?
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: end of season 2
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: was unranked first season
randomZ mental [Warmup]: ah, yea i also play since then
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: second gold
randomZWilliams [Warmup]: well mental is mid... im top my friends adc
randomZWilliams [Warmup]: we need jungler and support :D
randomZ mental [Warmup]: omg
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: well gl with that
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: got team already
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: x)
randomZWilliams [Warmup]: leave them
randomZWilliams [Warmup]: we offer more
randomZ mental [Warmup]: are u also plat 2 ?
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: skill level
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: yes
randomZ mental [Warmup]: ok
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: i dont play ranked anymore
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: when i see ppl play, i get an headache
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: i just cant be arsed anymore
randomZ mental [Warmup]: haha
randomZ mental [Warmup]: well dropped to gold
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: ReAdy.
randomZ mental [Warmup]: once
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: its k
mAlibu insAne [Warmup]: k ready bitches
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: the key is to only look at yourself
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: just leave your team and do you thing
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: :P
randomZ mental [Warmup]: yea but sometimes mid has 7 deaths already
randomZ mental [Warmup]: u cant carry
randomZ mental [Warmup]: and flame them and get chat restriction
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: yes thats why im not looking xD
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: i got it
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: xD
mAlibu outlAw [Warmup]: like kapot
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: but its over
mAlibu outlAw [Warmup]: 60 games
mAlibu kApot:] [Countdown]: XD
randomZWilliams [Countdown]: mental has over 1 k ranked games
randomZ mental [Countdown]: :_D
mAlibu outlAw [10:21]: wtf
[10:08]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[9:57]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[9:48]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[8:46]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[8:43]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[8:33]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
[7:02]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
[6:22]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
mAlibu scow [6:20]: -.-
[6:16]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
[4:46]: The Allied Truck is in position!
mAlibu scow [2:00]: its great if u get comms on dutch -_-
[1:21]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
[1:20]: The Allies have activated the crane!
mAlibu kApot:] [1:15]: :D
mAlibu kApot:] [1:13]: -SCORES
randomZ.ViKO [1:10]: :XD
mAlibu kApot:] [1:10]: :d
[1:07]: The Allies have loaded the Gold Crate onto the Truck!
[0:00]: The Allies have escaped with the Gold Crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 14:55 (original: 14:56)
mAlibu kApot:] [Intermission]: XD
mAlibu outlAw [Intermission]: gg
mAlibu kApot:] [Intermission]: gg
randomZ.NEEDLE [Intermission]: :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
randomZ.NEEDLE [Intermission]: fu
randomZ mental [Intermission]: wtf :D
randomZ mental [Warmup]: finally i can play smg
mAlibu outlAw [Warmup]: -s
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: 60fps incoming
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: rofl
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: ReAdy.
[11:36]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[11:13]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[11:09]: Axis reclaim the Forward Bunker!
mAlibu outlAw [11:06]: :D
randomZ mental [11:05]: HAHAHAHA
randomZ.NEEDLE [10:59]: the fuck i did
[10:21]: Allies have breached the Side Entrance!
[9:30]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[7:56]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[7:41]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[7:35]: Allies have breached the Main Entrance and secured the Forward Bunker!
[4:55]: Allies have secured the West Radar Parts!
[4:49]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[3:43]: Allies have secured the East Radar Parts!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 8:16
[Intermission]: mAlibu scow disconnected
mAlibu outlAw [Intermission]: gg
randomZ.NEEDLE [Intermission]: intense
mAlibu outlAw [Intermission]: hunk so serious
mAlibu Aie [Intermission]: he decided to leave
mAlibu Aie [Intermission]: no pizza for him
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: ReAdy.
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: ReAdy.
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: stupid ac
randomZ.ViKO [Warmup]: D
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: atleast he is able to come back in 1min
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: ReAdy.
mAlibu outlAw [Warmup]: :D
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: calm down cripple
mAlibu kApot:] [Warmup]: ReAdy.
mAlibu insAne [Warmup]: ready
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: you can suck my dick, you'll be quiet then
randomZ.NEEDLE [Warmup]: you seem to be mad
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: nope
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: just eating pizza
mAlibu insAne [Warmup]: ready the fuck up
mAlibu scow [Warmup]: ^
mAlibu Aie [Warmup]: jude
[7:54]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[7:32]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[7:17]: Allies have breached the Side Entrance!
[6:57]: Axis reclaim the Forward Bunker!
[6:37]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[5:59]: Allies have breached the Main Entrance and secured the Forward Bunker!
[5:32]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[5:10]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[4:47]: Allies have secured the West Radar Parts!
[4:45]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
randomZ mental [4:38]: gg wp
[4:37]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
mAlibu kApot:] [2:02]: gg
[2:00]: Allies have secured the East Radar Parts!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 6:15 (original: 8:16)
[Intermission]: mAlibu scow disconnected
randomZ stownage [Intermission]: gg
mAlibu outlAw [Intermission]: gg
mAlibu kApot:] [Intermission]: gg
^WmAlibu ^WinfAmous [Intermission]: GG
[Intermission]: randomZ stownage disconnected
[Intermission]: randomZ aea disconnected
[Intermission]: randomZ mental disconnected
[Intermission]: mAlibu kApot:] disconnected
[Intermission]: randomZ.ViKO disconnected
[Intermission]: randomZWilliams disconnected
[Intermission]: mAlibu insAne disconnected
[Intermission]: mAlibu infAmous disconnected
[Intermission]: mAlibu outlAw disconnected
[Intermission]: mAlibu Aie disconnected

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.