TEAMFLESHLIGHT vs one man one army (3515 views)

be ChilAx
be prick
be aNGER
fr Neiluj
fr deva
fr Sanjih
29.05.14 21:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: prick (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 1924
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 3


gl les français
deva le noob qui rejoue ? :O

gl Neiluj
ah ba oui on rejoue bien un peu :p
thx provok :p
Please CGAC, when will you work! :-(
Clean war 10/10
for sure clean war but too long to begin :)
dunno owned sanjih in 3o3 not that long ago
allez tous vous faire foutre bande de pute negro sanjih vous casse la figure bande de gorille macaque aller fait leur savoir sanjih comment les choses ce passent mon frere musuleman
Ils sont dingo dingo, j'avais le gun lourd, je l'ai même fais tombé plusieurs fois :D
on a bien vu tavais du mal a la relever :{D

stopped watching the Stats after i saw this name... useless to play atm with all this cheater. nejm should tell me if there was some minor update on some haxor page...
imo the only cheater was poisson, and the replay confirmed it :P
sanjih has always been decent aimer, but he sucked lately when i played against him 3o3
decent aimer?? go spec this game, he doesnt have a fucking aim here :d and still get 10k :D and tracking :)
are you on IRC? pm me there :P will show you something xD chan `bobi
anger and chilax are crazyyyyyyy
Neiluj from low- to med- in less than a month
seigen from med+ to low+ in less than a month

Some serious shit is going on
Neiluj plays already a bit longer than that and never had a skillboost :) If you think he's cheating, you're totally wrong
Dude, stop^defending your french cheating friends :D
I play since 2004//2005 and i never used cheats or something... Maybe it's same for poisson ... stop your paranoïa ...
I raped you singlehandedly with mothafucking roofi in 3o3, you didnt mention shit that you play since 2004 back then
because he knew you werent even born in 2004
bobika you kicked me when i raped you on nbs1 so stfu
you're bad :D all 3 of you were shooting on walls (and some1 was behind it) xD
and now all of our team cheat?
vis voor frankrijk!
gewoon efkes den replay bekijken en dieje VIS speccen ja :P
sanjih to stronk
met cheats kan ik ook TOO* stronk zijn hoor :-)
Wel ik speel al lang met hem.
Als hij cheat, dan heeft hij dezelfde hack voor slac, tzac en cgac.
Wat natuurlijk nog altijd zou kunnen...

if u think he cheat, he will be ban by ohurcool or some other admin? but it never happen :{D
That's sad and so true, they can all cheat how hard they want, they won't get banned :-) because the evidence is never good enough :')
evidence was hard enough to ban your cheating buddies
virgins mad XD
Oh shit i deleted my comment :D