Malibu vs Second Massachusetts (3678 views)

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01.06.14 00:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: kAPOTNL (Requestee)
Maps: Erdenberg_t1
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Total Pot: € 2408
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13


cheaters vs cheaters, what a match!
stfu please
Member Since 21st March 2014
we saw the real cheaters in banwave 1 :XD

ye but why they still can play
lol all these cheaters and cheaterlovers replying xd , including dnbradio multiple times busted cheater
excuse me but WUT?! xD Multiple? cheating? rly? get ur facts str8 be4 u talk bs plox :D
I really love to read all these comments from "elites" :)
look you got busted by cgac
you got busted by pb, unfortunately they are down so I cannot link you. Don't worry anyways, you will just be forgotten like all lows that cheat in this game and everytime you write stuff like this , it is actually funny to read it...the way you say you didn't cheat after just 1 month or so fo getting idiot. /bye!
wie ben jij dan, kenkernerdje
no no .. its funny to see ppl writing stuff without knowing anything , thats whats funny :D
we know shit, u get banned and we know shit. we have to trust u cause we know shit about ur ban. it doesnt prove anything. u are banned but we have to believe that, u didnt cheat.
ohurcool replied to ticket: Banned without seeing any....
7:11pm 30/4/14
There is evidence that you have been helping another user bypass the anticheat by running CGAC on his account for him on your PC while he plays in the match(es) on his own PC without CGAC.
helping cheaters cheat, that's even more pathetic
Maybe if they made the AC for XP as well I wouldn't help him run it. no need to explain anythign anyway.. game is dead anyway