Eastern Europe vs Southern Europe (10546 views)

pl Abject
pl fanatic
cz Sklamak
pl palemki
hu sebi
pl zMk
fr An7ho
il destiny
fr emorej
fr kartez
pt setup
si verunA
ET All Stars 2014
Round Robin - Best Of 3
Match 1

Matchlink: http://eu.cybergamer.com/match/519431/

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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: All Stars 2014 » Matchlink
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: timbolina (Highadmin)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 6136
The bets are closed.

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Video Streams
Blo0dje TV
By: timbolina
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: Polish

Viewer Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 35


maybe i can play in shouthern europ,np.
who are u?
hes unknown so he already meets the standards for this allstar cup
im your father!
lord vader, is this u?
Yes im! Come to the dark side whith me!
izi south
written by be timbolina on 21.05 15:13
The Enemy Territory All Stars 2014 is an event where the best players of each European region will form a team to battle against other regions in a most exciting round robin and play-offs.

fanatic :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD god u took him because he is captain of team poland or he is best asslicker in ET history?
because he is not one of best players from his region ....
god get fucking brain ....
wez lepiej samych polakow daj to wygracie XD co za baran :D

Gwiazdor !!! xdD
na zjebow nie poradzisz nic :D
Je suis avec toi fab ! :))) Tu sais oû me joindre...

ooouuu le ptit coquinou :D
wyjebcie fanatica i dajcie kogos lepszego z innego kraju...
wyjebcie fanatica i dajcie Akuku
Na pewno wiecej hedow bym ustrzelil
this is allstar? one big joke :)
so good luck east then :D
nah i knew this gonna happen :)
clearly mad :< wasn't your mouse dead?
plz i dont care this that much to be mad :) ye my mouse was broken
It's anyway a draft cup, so there is no reason to be mad :D
you could win thousands of forints! :D
believe me i dont need that :D
Mr 43 acc
jalo pmme on irc when you're here /q fanatic
fab et sa line up en or
je fais avec les moyens du bord ...
"all stars"

fr An7ho
il destiny
fr kartez
pt setup
si verunA
it vj7o

kartez i antho jak najbardziej :P
at least they mixed up something...nothing like eastern poland allstars where sebi is forced to speak polish :D
Blo0dje TV
By: timbolina View on GamesTV (external)
Language: Polish wtf? :D
To nie on
faktycznie :D
a juz myslalem, ze bedzie stream po polsku z ET hahaha
Będzie po polsku bloodje streamuje ,ale nie ten znany z jakiś tam gierek ,tylko inny :D I ja w roli głównej :D
no to zobaczymy na co Cie stac Ozi XD haha
Bedzie po polsku ale nie beda ogarniete osoby streamowaly
Odezwał się ten co streamuje 30 lat
wtf who even choose this line ups :d
why they didnt restrict number of players per country to 2/3?

4 ppls from one country is too much
palemki & destiny <3
gl south allstars

fabien is gonna whine hard !!!
i heard jalo is not avi
hehe, easy for east.
STREAM FORM THIS MATCH : http://www.hitbox.tv/BLDTV
easy for sklamak
embarassing allstars event pffffft
fanatic ujemne dmg, prawie najmniej dmg

jadlem truskawki i podnosilem abjecta, np for me
akuku zrobilby to samo wykrecajac 20k dmg
no raczej
zamilcz juz lepiej pajacu, bo tak duzo nie miales do powiedzenia na tsie 5min temu
A co ci mialem gadac? nicki graczy? :XDD
miales szanse porozmawiac z selekcjonerem reprezentacji i przedstawic swoje zale to sie jakos dziwnie zapowietrzyles
raczej smialem sie bo sie spinales xDDD
no tak podsmiechiwac do komputerka tyle tylko potrafisz, ty i ta cala reszta frajerzykow ktorych nicki widze tylko jak placza na ettv jacy sa zajebisci i 100x lepsi ode mnie, a nikt o nich nigdy nie slyszal ani nie widzial
Bo kurwa dla mnie to gra a nie zycie zebym sie pokazywal jaki jestem zajebisty wiec zostalo mi sie tylko smianie z takiego cwela ktory sie jara z kim on nie gral i spina sie na tsie
wat? sklamak?? ich werd hier zum uri geller