Alpha Males vs independent armoured brigade gro (4272 views)

fi Mirqli
fi Fat
fi rEEtyy
fi Naku
fi Sherclock
fi Serge Ibaka
cz Sklamak
cz Rifleman
cz nega
cz quish
cz Paradox
cz tezaXo

CG EU ET Season 1 Tournaments
6on6 Division 4
Grand Final

fi Alpha Males has to win twice!

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15.06.14 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CG EU ET Season 1: 6on6 » Matchlink
Hosting: CyberGamer EU
Manager: Mirqli (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 6829
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 8


time to win another med- OC

poika saunoo ja sitä rataa
avi for u minun neekeri :--------D
good luck :D easy for you
Nice .. Gg easy for amales... Im and rifleman and paradox in work. Np thx ohercool
:D mozna kdyz budes hodnej tak ti ten zapas dovoli rozdelit na dva.......s tim ze ten druhej odehrajete hnedka po tomhle :DDDD

twe co chces od cloveka kterej si dal takovej nick aby mu vsichni rikali jak je super :) oh-u-r-cool to vubec nezavani narcismem
You've had a week to schedule this match. Don't blame me for not knowing your work schedules.
Hehe, you're the blame for everything that goes wrong here
ye you are right just follow the rules and give them forfeit lose, and dont even try to make both teams arrange new date that fits to all....
even if 1 day ago AM wanted to change the time to 30min late and you were ok with that :D even the time and date were already forced by you, but np you can change what you want, "leaders making the rules"
Did I say anything about a forfeit? Yeah, I'm a bit more inclined to work with the team which actually made an effort to schedule the match by leaving a comment on the match page, unlike your friends who have neglected to do anything for an entire week. How unreasonable of me!
i want to believe that it was you who made fins into it to change the date to play this....
anyway thumbs up to fins that they are trying if they actually dont have to
Well, it's been 3 days. Are you going to actually try to schedule this match or just wait until it's forced again so you can complain in the comments here on GTV?
Depends on who manages this team now when quish isn't anymore :D
jos laittaa ysiks nii ehitää ehkä voittaanki
Gl quish :)
Iam no longer part of this team, but ty anyway mate .)
kill those nerds fat! <3
tak vemte me a serte ne ff :D
<ohurcool> you win by forfeit then, cba waiting any longer
<ohurcool> they had 2 weeks to find a date/time they are available
"you" = them
"they" = you

So are you guys going to play or what?
Well as you said to me the above we are getting forfeit win because they are unable to get players.